Cucurbit Downy Mildew already in New Jersey

From Meg McGrath, Long Island Horticultural Research & Extension Center,

Be prepared for another season with downy mildew starting to develop on cucumber and cantaloupe early in eastern NY and Long Island as happened in 2021. Symptoms were seen in southern New Jersey (Salem County) on 6/11/22, which is 5 days earlier than when it was found in that area in 2021, which was followed by early occurrences in eastern NY (7/7/21) and the earliest occurrence on Long Island where records have been kept since 2007 (7/14/21).  The pathogen clade (strain) infecting cucumber also infects cantaloupe.  The clade that infects squash, pumpkin and watermelon typically appears in the region during late summer.

  1. Sign up to receive alerts about downy mildew occurring nearby.
  2. Inspect crops routinely for symptoms.  View images of symptoms.
  3. Routinely check the Cucurbit Downy Mildew Forecast website to know where the disease is occurring, what crops are affected, and when there is a forecast for pathogen spread to your area.
  4. Apply protectant fungicides when downy mildew forecast risk is low.  Apply targeted fungicides when risk is moderate to high or downy mildew is present in a crop.
  5. If you see, please report here.

More information about CDM management on Cornell Vegetables website.