
  • About – Research and Extension program descriptions, contact info.
  • Photo gallery – Images of and information about diseases and disorders on vegetable, herbs and strawberries.
  • Research – Annual program summaries and project reports, current applied research projects, research summarized by topic, publications, presentation files, and more.
  • Extension & Outreach – Projects, extension articles, meeting proceedings, presentation files, and more.
  • Organic – Info on managing diseases for organic growers.
  • News – Recent additions to the site.

Learn more about the Long Island Horticultural Research & Extension Center.

Research assistants with the McGrath program helping with experiments on basil downy mildew, ozone injury to beans, and tomato late blight at the Long Island Horticultural Research and Extension Center
Research assistants with the McGrath program helping with experiments on basil downy mildew, ozone injury to beans, and tomato late blight at the Long Island Horticultural Research and Extension Center.
Aerial view of vegetable pathology research plots at the Long Island Horticultural Research and Extension Center.
Aerial view of vegetable pathology research plots at the Long Island Horticultural Research and Extension Center.
Collin Downing
McGrath Lab technician Collin Downing
Photo of LIHREC farm supervisor Wayne Lindsay
Wayne Lindsay, LIHREC Farm Supervisor. Photo taken 3 June 2022 when Wayne was incorporating mustard biofumigant cover crop to manage Phytophthora blight in a research field at LIHREC where our powdery mildew experiments were to be conducted. Photograph taken by Andy Senesac, Weed Scientist with Cornell Cooperative Extension-Suffolk County.
Technician Collin measuring mustard height
McGrath Technician Collin Downing measuring mustard biofumigant cover crop height just before incorporation.
Meg, Collin and summer assistant Claire in a pumpkin field
L to R: Research assistant Claire Bush, Meg McGrath and Technician Collin Downing
Meg McGrath and Technician Collin Downing in basil experiment.
Collin Downing and Meg McGrath inspecting plots in downy mildew resistant basil variety evaluation on 15 September 2022.
Meg McGrath conducting research in wheat field.
Meg conducting her PhD thesis research on stem rust of wheat at the Pennsylvania State University before she came to LIHREC.
Meg McGrath conducting research in wheat field.
Meg conducting her PhD thesis research on stem rust of wheat at the Pennsylvania State University before she came to LIHREC.


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