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Your Complete Guide to Lab-Grown Diamonds

Diamonds are a girl’s best friend, but they’re not exactly friendly for your wallet. If you’re currently shopping for an engagement ring, you’ve probably heard of lab grown diamonds UK and noticed that they’re considerably less expensive. You might be hesitant to purchase a lab-grown diamond, thinking that its low price tag is due to inferior quality. But that’s actually not the case. Lab-grown diamonds are identical to natural diamonds and come in different colors, carat weights, and shapes. They’re an excellent option if you want a bigger ring for a lower price tag.

What Is A Lab Grown Diamond?

Lab diamonds, also known as synthetic diamonds, have the same chemical and physical composition as their natural counterparts, and visually they’re identical. The only real difference between lab diamonds and natural diamonds is the process used to make them.

Natural diamonds form in the earth’s mantle when the right amount of heat and pressure are combined and bond carbon atoms together. These gemstones are limited in quantity and their stunning beauty and durability have made them some of the most precious stones in the world.

Lab-grown diamonds, as the name implies, are man-made in a laboratory using an advanced technological process that mimics the natural way diamonds are formed. With advances in the technology used to create diamonds, it is now virtually impossible to distinguish lab-grown diamonds from mined diamonds. It’s a sustainable way that people can continue to enjoy this beautiful stone.

Why Do People Choose Lab-Grown Diamonds?

Lab-created diamonds are becoming more popular, but you may wonder why people would choose a stone created in a lab instead of a natural one. There are lots of reasons why people gravitate towards lab-grown diamonds. Here are a few:

  • Lab-grown diamonds are more affordable than natural diamonds. Some people don’t want to spend an extravagant amount on a diamond, while others prefer a diamond much larger than they can afford. A lab-grown diamond can be up to 50% cheaper than a natural diamond of the same size. For many, the price tag is the number one reason they choose a lab-grown diamond. With lab-grown diamonds, you can get a larger, higher-quality diamond for less.
  • Lab-grown diamonds are the real thing. There are many affordable gemstones that people choose for their engagement rings or other jewelry. Some are quite similar to diamonds, but you’ll always be able to tell the difference. If you don’t mind having something other than a diamond, or you prefer a particular stone for a more unique look, a diamond alternative might be right for you. But with lab-grown diamonds, you get a genuine diamond for a lower price. No one will ever know if it’s natural or a lab diamond since they’re identical.
  • Lab-grown diamonds are both sustainable and ethical. Diamond mining has a history of being unethical and harmful to the environment. From poor working conditions and the use of child labor to diamond mine earnings being used to fund wars in Africa, diamond mining is fraught with humanitarian and ethical issues. Mining also has a huge impact on the environment since it requires tens of thousands of pounds of dirt to be moved to find just one diamond. This affects animal and plant habitats and does serious damage to established ecosystems. When buying a mined diamond, it’s very difficult to be sure that it has been ethically sourced. This problem is nonexistent with lab diamonds. You know exactly where a lab-grown diamond comes from, and that its creation has only a small impact on the environment. Lab-grown diamonds are also sustainable since they can be continually produced, while Earth’s natural diamond supply is limited.
  • Diamonds made in a lab are of higher quality. Diamonds made in a lab have fewer defects compared to natural diamonds, resulting in a higher quality. They also tend to have a higher purity rating, meaning you get a clearer, brighter rock.

With all of these advantages, it’s clear why lab-grown diamonds are a popular choice. Whether you’re environmentally conscious or you’re on a tight budget, lab-grown diamonds are an excellent choice. While they don’t have the investment value of a natural diamond, which can be resold and even increase in value over the years, lab-grown diamonds share the same composition and beauty as natural diamonds.

Choosing the perfect diamond, especially for an engagement ring, is exciting, but it doesn’t mean you have to throw your budget out the window. With lab-grown diamonds, you can have the best of everything; a real diamond ring in the size you prefer at a reasonable price. Lab diamonds are made using a similar process to that found in nature. Many people decide to buy a lab-grown diamond instead of a natural one for ethical, environmental, or financial reasons. If you’re in the market for a diamond, do your research and see if a lab-grown diamond is a good choice for you.