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What Is Survivalism and Why Does It Matter?

We live in challenging and rapidly changing times. Whether it is climate change, pandemics, natural disasters, or civil unrest, we face a constant barrage of threats to our safety and well-being. Fortunately, a preparedness mindset can help us to face these challenges with confidence. Many movies depict survivalists as extreme gun-toting loners who live in underground bunkers, but the survivalism movement is gaining ground amongst diverse groups of people including families. Let us learn more about survivalism and why it is important.

What is survivalism?

Survivalism is the practice of preparing for a possible future event that may cause you or others to need to find your own food, shelter, and clothing. There are many reasons why people choose to become survivalists. Some do it to prepare for natural disasters such as earthquakes or floods while others prepare for the eventuality that they will be forced to live off the grid for an extended time.

There are many thriving survivalist communities around the world where members organize to prepare for emergencies, educate each other on survival skills, and share strategies for surviving in the face of adversity. Some of the communities that practice survivalism are set up in secluded locations while others can be found in urban areas and even college campuses!

What are some survivalist skills?

Hunting and fishing – Knowing how to hunt and fish in the wild is an essential skill for survivalists. You also need to learn to clean and prepare different kinds of animals to ensure that you can feed yourself and your family in the event of a disaster. Some people prefer to hunt with firearms while others prefer crossbows. Whatever you choose, make sure you choose the best knife for survival hunting to make dealing with animal carcasses easier and safer. A good knife can also be attached to a pole and used as a spear to catch fish in shallow waters.

Agriculture – To survive long-term, you will need to know how to grow vegetables and fruits. Aside from protein, people need to eat plenty of plants and fiber to stay healthy. Research edible plants that are native to your area as they will be easiest to grow. You should also learn how to dry, pickle, and preserve any excess food that you are unable to eat right away so that it does not go to waste. Composting is another useful skill because it can help you to turn waste into nutrients that can be used to nourish your plants.

Basic first aid – One of the most important survivalist skills is basic first aid. Learning how to perform CPR and identify common medical conditions will help you to provide emergency medical care to the people around you when going to the doctor is not an option. Having a fully stocked first aid kit and medicine box on hand is another good idea as it can be difficult to find medical supplies in the aftermath of a disaster or crisis. You can also turn to ancient wisdom and learn how to use natural remedies and medicinal plants to prevent disease and treat minor injuries.

Navigation – How useful do you think your smartphone will be when there is no electricity or mobile data connection? Navigation is one of the best survivalist skills that you can master. Learning how to use a physical map to find your way from point A to point B can be a useful skill when the GPS fails. Being able to read a compass and use an altimeter is also essential. Aside from learning how to read (or even make) maps, you can further learn to navigate by stars by using astronomical charts or by memorizing the positions of major constellations.

Why does survivalism matter today?

Many people feel that survivalism is not relevant because the chances of a devastating natural disaster or global war are relatively low. While this is true, catastrophic events can happen at any time, regardless of whether we are prepared. By developing survivalist skills and building up your food and medicine stores, you will be better prepared to face adversity if and when it arises.

As the cost of living increases every year, having survivalist skills can play an important role in helping you and your family to save money. For instance, you can grow vegetables instead of having to buy them from a supermarket. Survivalism can also be more sustainable because your food does not come from thousands of miles away. Furthermore, you know that whatever you eat is natural and nutritious.

Regardless of practical use, survivalism is a great discipline to learn if you are interested in becoming more self-sufficient. It will help you to become more self-reliant in everyday life and more conscious of where your resources come from. Most importantly, it will encourage you to be less reliant on the systems and institutions that are ultimately responsible for the state of our world today.

If we are lucky, we will never have to experience a doomsday scenario in our lifetimes. That said, wouldn’t you like to be prepared to fight for your safety and health if disaster struck? Developing survivalist skills will not only help you in extreme situations, but also teach you how to become more resilient in everyday life. So why not awaken the survivalist in you before it is too late?