Lannin Presents Work Characterizing Electrical Properties of Cancer Cells at AiCHE/AES 2015 Annual Meeting
I recently presented my work on characterizing the electrical properties of cancer cells at the AES (Electrophoresis Society) Annual Meeting, which was a part of the AiCHE Annual Meeting. One electrokinetic technique (dielectrophoresis) may be used to enhance capture of cancer cells from a suspension containing contaminating blood cells. This technique, however, relies on a good model of the electrical properties of cancer cells. It is possible that these electrical properties of cancer cells change when cells gain resistance to chemotherapy or when they’re exposed to or deprived of certain stimuli in circulation. I used electrorotation (a technique related to dielectrophoresis), which revealed changes of pancreatic cancer cell lines’ electrical properties in response to such stimuli.
At this meeting, I also had the opportunity to meet leaders in the field of electrokinetics. In particular, I enjoyed presentations from and/or conversations with Dr. Amy Herr, Dr. Fatima Labeed, Dr. Mike Hughes, Dr. Adrienne Minerick, Dr. Nathan Swami, Dr. Lisa Flanagan, Dr. Ben Hawkins, and many other investigators and students.