PLos One, 2012: Functional Characterization of Circulating Tumor Cells with a Prostate-Cancer-Specific Microfluidic Device

Citation: Kirby BJ, Jodari M, Loftus M, Gakhar G, Pratt ED, Chanel-Vos C, Gleghorn JP, Santana SM, Liu H, Smith JP, Navarro VN, Tagawa ST, Bander NH, Nanus DM, Giannakakou PA,
“Functional Characterization of Circulating Tumor Cells with a Prostate-Cancer-Specific Microfluidic Device”, PLoS ONE, 7(4): e35976, 2012. doi pdf

Abstract: Cancer metastasis accounts for the majority of cancer-related deaths owing to poor response to anticancer therapies.
Molecular understanding of metastasis-associated drug resistance remains elusive due to the scarcity of available tumor
tissue. Isolation of circulating tumor cells (CTCs) from the peripheral blood of patients has emerged as a valid alternative
source of tumor tissue that can be subjected to molecular characterization. However, issues with low purity and sensitivity
have impeded adoption to clinical practice. Here we report a novel method to capture and molecularly characterize CTCs
isolated from castrate-resistant prostate cancer patients (CRPC) receiving taxane chemotherapy. We have developed a
geometrically enhanced differential immunocapture (GEDI) microfluidic device that combines an anti-prostate specific
membrane antigen (PSMA) antibody with a 3D geometry that captures CTCs while minimizing nonspecific leukocyte
adhesion. Enumeration of GEDI-captured CTCs (defined as intact, nucleated PSMA+/CD452 cells) revealed a median of 54
cells per ml identified in CRPC patients versus 3 in healthy donors. Direct comparison with the commercially available
CellSearchH revealed a 2–400 fold higher sensitivity achieved with the GEDI device. Confocal microscopy of patient-derived
GEDI-captured CTCs identified the TMPRSS2:ERG fusion protein, while sequencing identified specific androgen receptor
point mutation (T868A) in blood samples spiked with only 50 PC C4-2 cells. On-chip treatment of patient-derived CTCs with
docetaxel and paclitaxel allowed monitoring of drug-target engagement by means of microtubule bundling. CTCs isolated
from docetaxel-resistant CRPC patients did not show any evidence of drug activity. These measurements constitute the first
functional assays of drug-target engagement in living circulating tumor cells and therefore have the potential to enable
longitudinal monitoring of target response and inform the development of new anticancer agents.