- Awais Khan and David Papp. 2020. Confirming the breakdown of apple scab resistance in Malus floribunda 821, the most important source for scab resistance breeding, in North America. New York Fruit Quarterly, 28 (1), 5-7.
- Janet van Zoeren and Awais Khan. 2020. Using computer vision to detect foliar diseases in apples. Cornell Cooperative Extension, Lake Ontario Fruit Program. Fruit Notes, 20 (7).
- Awais Khan, Della Cobb-Smith, Liz Higgins, and Jugpreet Singh. 2019. Pathogen detection assays for fire blight management in apple orchards. New York Fruit Quarterly, 27 (2), 27-30.
- Awais Khan and Jugpreet Singh. 2019. Rapid decline of apple trees: Looking into potential causes. New York Fruit Quarterly, 27 (2), 15-18.
- Awais Khan, Elsa Desnoues, and Matthew Clark. 2018. Bacterial strain affects cultivar response to fire blight in apples. New York Fruit Quarterly, 26 (2), 15-20.
- Awais Khan 2018. Importance of bacterial strains in cultivar response to fire blight. Cornell Cooperative Extension, Lake Ontario Fruit Program. Fruit Notes, 18 (5).
- Awais Khan and Jugpreet Singh. 2018. Apple cultivars use varying mechanisms in response to fire blight infection. New York Fruit Quarterly, 26 (4).
- Awais Khan and Thomas Chao. 2017. Wild apple species as a source of fire blight resistance for sustainable productivity of apple orchards. New York Fruit Quarterly, 25 (4), 13-18.