The Empowerment of Women: The Role of Indigenous Women in Forestry Development
Hay River, Northwest Territories, Canada; Photo credit: R. Indira
The Empowerment of Women: The Role of Indigenous Women in Forestry Development was a three-year project, in which Professor Kassam was co-principal investigator with Dr. R. Indira, University of Mysore, India.
Deria, Western Ghats, Karnataka, India; Photo credit: Karim-Aly Kassam
This project examined the traditional role of indigenous women in India and Canada in forest communities, and related these to current participation of women in economic activities.
Deria, Western Ghats, Karnataka, India; Photo credit: Karim-Aly Kassam
The project explored how gender issues are represented in policies and assessed the role of women in the use and control of forest resources. The aim of the research project was to derive concrete outputs that have practical application in policy and practice for women’s participation in forestry activities in Canada and India.
Hay River, Northwest Territories, Canada; Photo credit: Karim-Aly Kassam
A total of four community researchers were trained in both communities. Twelve graduate and undergraduate students participated in research activities involving this project.
Deria, Western Ghats, Karnataka, India; Photo credit: Karim-Aly Kassam
A publication entitled So That Our Voices May Be Heard containing the views of the women participants was published in December 2001. This project was funded by the Canadian International Development Agency and the Shastri-Indo-Canadian Institute.