Week 2

This week was cool because I got to participate in work that is not often done in vineyards. In our research vineyard, we had to move trellis wires from rows where vines had been removed to rows where new vines were planted. I essentially got to experience setting up a new vineyard since trellis wires last a very long time and do not often need to be moved or replaced. We began by cutting wires down and sticking the ends of them into the ground to keep them in a straight line. Next, one person would pick up each end of the wire and walk the length of the row beyond the row it came from, and then over to the row we were putting it. Once the wires were moved and ready to be put up, the ends were wrapped around each end post and wire crimps were used to secure them. Although this may not sound all that time consuming, it was a huge project. It was really cool to see how different the vineyard looked when we finished.