Early 2018 Research from the McArt Lab

We have some new research out from the McArt Lab in early 2018 that we want to share!

Our first publication was led by Dr. Sabine Mann continuing our examination of the effects of different treatments for hyperketonemia on liver triglycerides, glycogen, and expression of key metabolic enzymes in dairy cattle. Click on the picture below for access to the abstract in the Journal of Dairy Science.


And just out is a large study led by Dr. Brittany Leno looking at the effect of a single bolus of oral calcium on early lactation health and production parameters based on plasma Ca concentration pre-treatment. This research was done in collaboration with Dr. Tom Overton at Cornell University as well as Drs. Mark Thomas and Matt Curler at Dairy Health Management Services. Click on the picture below to get to the full article in the Journal of Dairy Science. The article is open access, so everyone can download it for free!  So hunker down for a good read – Dr. Leno didn’t leave anything out!


As usual, we are working on new (and we think exciting) things all the time, so stay tuned for more!

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