Trump’s 3D Chess
This article, written by Chauncey Devega, details the relationship between the President’s erratic behavior and the concepts behind game theory. He breaks down different forms of game theory, and how the risky and varying behavior displayed by Trump can be exemplified through game theory. Devega treats the realm of politics as the game, and the interactions between politicians with other politicians and the public as the choices or strategies they take. However, Trump has exhibited a game different than most politicians follow, sometimes referred to as “Three-dimensional Chess.” This game is one of chaos, making him hard to trust by those on the other side of the isle, and for allies as well. To determine if Trump’s decision appear to have an end goal or not, he interviews MYU’s Steve Brams, an expert on game theory. Brams speaks about how there are mixed and pure strategies in game theory, both we have discussed extensively in class, and Trump utilizes a mixed strategy to try and surprise others, using the element of unpredictability to win. Brams also discusses preferences and rational thinking, based off of the others’ decisions. Later in the interview, the idea of “mixed equilibrium” arises, and how game theory is not solely deterministic. We have been over this idea in class as well, as that’s when one’s decision varies based off of other players’ actions.
This the concept of mixed strategies if very evident in President Trump, as he has his own secret agenda, different than many others in his country and even party. He switches his opinions in public with frequency, incorrectly spews information, and takes jabs at ally foreign leaders. The behavior he exhibits is clearly that of a mixed strategy, as he makes decisions seen by others as random, breaking conventional methods, raising his unpredictability, and in his head, giving him a greater chance to “win the game.” The President has used an erratic strategy, and in making many choices differentiating from the norm, has theoretically speaking raise his probability to win the “political game of 3D chess” aforementioned.