Rich get Richer… while the poor helps?
The article discusses America’s future and how the GOP tax bills is ruining it. It is a pretty biased website, but the message it’s giving is sincere. What it claims is that the rich corporations will pay less taxes whereas the poor, elderly people, and students will be stripped through taxes. It directly attacks the current American president, Trump, in how his agenda is to “cut taxes for him and his pals”. The article goes on with how Trump’s politics are hurting those in need while filling up those who are full.
The rich get richer rule applies here in a analogical sense. Just like how the original page gets the most credit, the richest get the most credit since the network in politics works around rich people. Since the network Trump has is supposedly mostly rich people since he’s from a rich background, the political network around him works around rich people as well. Similar to how the probability that page l experiences an increase in popularity is directly proportional to l’s current popularity, rich people experience an increase in their wealth as the impact of all people eventually leads the wealth towards them.