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The Power of Social Networks in Prisons

On campus, I am involved with Prisoner Express, a distance learning education program for incarcerated individuals. Prisoner Express provides an opportunity for self-expression and growth through newsletters and various programmings. I have had the wonderful opportunity of interacting and getting to read the creative pieces of incarcerated individuals and leave a positive impact on their […]

Real Life Telephone!

When I was younger, I would play a game called Telephone. The game’s goal was to receive messages and pass them around without any changes to the message’s meaning or phrasing. Very rarely, when I played the game with my classmates, would we accomplish the goal. Telephone mimics our world with social media, as information […]

LinkedIn: A Real World Example of Strong and Weak Ties and Strong Triadic Closure

LinkedIn’s platform is a complex professional and social network that exemplifies class network theories related to the concepts of strong and weak ties. These connections foster professional development and networking success on the platform, offering advantages to users and exemplifying the ideas of strong triadic closure and the strength in strong and weak ties. Strong […]

Weak Ties in college

As students or faculties of Cornell University, we all live in our own small society. Even though you might have not met everyone on campus, the identity of being a Cornell student creates automatic weak ties between students and faculties and these weak ties become the alumni networks. These ties between students develop based on […]

Public Goods Provision: The Role of Wealth Redistribution and Multiple Public Goods

We left off class at public goods, so I thought that I would do a blog post about this paper I found about public goods. Building upon previous research, this study investigates the intricate relationship between contributions, wealth redistribution, and equilibrium outcomes. I tried my best to summarize what I got from reading the article. […]

Strong and Weak ties in Social Networks

As we talked about strong and weak ties in class, it reminded me of a different course I took, Comms 2450. In this class we talked about how strong and weak ties can give different opportunities.  Weak ties can provide you with more information outside your small group of friends like job opportunities, while strong […]

Structural Balance Theorem and Rival Schools

We can observe two rival schools, Cornell and Harvard. We can also easily observe that students at Cornell are all on good terms with each other, and likewise for Harvard students. Thus, we can group students in Cornell into one group, and students in Harvard into another group. As these schools are rivals, we can […]

The Job Market as an Auction

As a Cornellian, the subject of jobs and internships never seems too far away from the mind’s eye. Here’s a fun thought experiment about the job market and how it can be viewed as an auction. For starters, let’s establish the bidders and sellers. From the perspective of a student, it seems only natural to […]

Thoughts on the Urn Model

In the course, I found many topics particularly interesting. The one I like the best is the urn model. I am curious about its broader applications in real life, as it seems to be a useful tool for modeling information cascades and applying Bayesian principles. Additionally, it bears a resemblance to statistical procedures involving drawing […]

Network Theory in Financial Markets – A New Frontier in Understanding Market Dynamics and Risk Assessment

In the intricate world of financial markets, the application of network theory offers a transformative approach to understanding market dynamics and assessing systemic risks. Traditional models, often used by regulators and policymakers, have shown limitations, especially evident during the 2007-2008 financial crisis. These models typically view financial systems as collections of isolated actors or as […]

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Blogging Calendar

December 2023
