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Strong Triadic Close Can Be Dangerous

In the intricate web of social networks, the concept of ‘strong triadic closure’ is a fundamental principle that explains how relationships evolve and solidify. This principle states that if two people have a strong relationship with a mutual friend, they are likely to develop a strong relationship with each other. While this phenomenon fosters community building and supportive environments, it also harbors a lesser-discussed implication: the potential for unhealthy habits to spread. 


The reason behind this phenomenon is the power of influence that strong ties wield in our lives. People we are strongly connected to, like close friends or family, have a significant impact on our behaviors, attitudes, and choices. We are more likely to mimic or adopt the behaviors of those we spend most time with, especially if we admire or respect them. This is the fundamental principle behind the theme that we are all byproducts of our environment.


This brings us to an essential point: the importance of being mindful of who we form strong connections within our social networks. While it’s not practical or desirable to only form connections with ‘perfect’ individuals (as no one is without flaws), it is crucial to be aware of the habits and lifestyles of those we are close to. When thinking about who you hope to be in the future, look around at who you spend time with and realize that you will also be introduced to even more people with these traits.


One proactive approach is to foster and nurture relationships with individuals who display positive habits and traits. Being around people who prioritize healthy lifestyles, positive mental attitudes, and constructive behaviors can significantly influence us to adopt similar habits.


It’s also vital to balance our relationships. While it’s beneficial to have close, strong ties, it’s equally important to have a diverse range of connections. Connecting with people of different backgrounds and lifestyles can prove to be extremely valuable. This diversity can provide a buffer against the potential negative influence of any single group or individual. 


Overall, the main message I hope you take away from this is the importance of surrounding yourself with people you hope to be more like. Networks can be useful in assessing your current situation and making connections about why you have developed certain habits.


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