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How concepts of networks translate to real life applications, even space

This has been a great class in showing real life applications of material we learn at school. Through the semester, as we learned more concepts, I began thinking more consciously than before of the role of networks in our everyday settings and personal lives. I used what I learned to challenge myself to think of applications beyond social connections too, for example, space. In space exploration, communication networks between spacecraft and Earth are great examples of how concepts like graph theory can be applied.

These networks, which include spacecraft and satellites as nodes and communication links as edges, demonstrate complex patterns of information, command, and data flow. Analyzing these patterns with network theories helps in overcoming problems like signal delay and data transmission over vast distances. Furthermore, the future of space colonies brings game theory principles into play. Space agencies, private companies, and international coalitions are likely to form networks that combine cooperative and competitive interactions. Specifically, the way scientific data from space missions is transmitted to Earth parallels how information spreads in social networks. Both are constrained by factors such as bandwidth and efficiency. Even in the general business world, they face decisions similar to the Prisoner’s Dilemma: whether to cooperate for mutual benefit or withhold resources for personal gain. These decisions have a direct impact on the efficiency and success of joint space missions. Furthermore, allocating resources such as bandwidth in space communication networks is similar to managing scarce resources in economic networks. This demonstrates how economic principles are applied in the strategic management of space communication systems, balancing limited capacity against high demand.

In sharing my thought process on the real-world applications of network theory, particularly in the context of space exploration, I wanted to highlight the versatility and use cases of our course.


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