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Socioeconomic Cultures are Information Cascades Made Concrete

Link:   Throughout INFO 2040, we examine behavioral and network theories through specific examples. In the case of our unit on Information Cascades, we generalize our selectors, rather than imbuing them with any qualities. In reality, some selectors are more likely to start cascades than others. The linked research paper, “Social Status and Social […]

Second Price Auctions in Twitter Ads

With the recent news of Elon Musk purchasing twitter, some advertisers have been fleeing the platform. This prompted me to look into how the pricing of advertisements work on twitter as we covered this in Chapter 15. An auction is the process that Twitter uses to determine which ads to serve to users, based on […]

Birdwatch: Ranking Facts through Votes on Social Media With the increasing prevalence of social media in our daily lives, its side effects have also been expanding throughout the society. Teenage depression rates have been steadily on the rise with close coordination to the time invested in social media applications, and the contents are turning more and more aggressive and extreme every day […]

Hearthstone Deck Selection

Even with the huge amount of cards that Hearthstone has in play, there are relatively few combinations of them that turn into effective decks. During any collection of matches in Hearthstone’s ranked game mode, one could encounter possibly any type of deck. However, in reality, one faces mostly the best archetype decks that have the […]

First and Second-order Effects on Market Structure and Consumer Choices

In this blog post I will discuss two mechanisms of network effect and how they affect market structure and consumer choices. The content is based on the chapter Personal Data and Collective Value: Data-driven personalisation as network effect in the book Data-Driven Personalisation in Markets, Politics and Law written by Nick O’Donovan (link).   O’Donovan […]

Social Media as a Disruptor for Network Effects occurring in politics. 

There is a significant barrier to entry into politics. We’ll focus on the Presidential election, as it is the most widely known and voted-for election that takes place in the USA. What is the cause of this barrier? Theoretically, anyone, as long as they meet the criteria to run, should have a shot at winning […]

Elon Musk, Twitter, Midterm Elections, and the Cascade Effect

Yesterday, Elon Musk used the platform he now owns, Twitter, to urge those among his 100+ million followers that identify as “independent-minded voters” to vote Republican in this year’s upcoming midterm elections.  To independent-minded voters: Shared power curbs the worst excesses of both parties, therefore I recommend voting for a Republican Congress, given that the […]

Information Cascades in Social Media During Emergencies The article linked above studies how information spreads on social media in response to an emergency. By analyzing data on Twitter activity during an RPI emergency, the researchers were able to identify certain information cascades and patterns to see how information spreads on Twitter.  They found that during an emergency, activity on Twitter displays […]

The Second-Price Auction and Bidding Insights of Apple Search Ads

Offering nearly 2.2 million applications, the App Store is Apple’s only digital marketplace for iOS users to buy and download apps. The nature of this centralized platform creates a competitive environment for app developers. Like other companies, Apple offers favorable advertisement space, called Apple Search Ads, that allows these developers to attract downloads through promotions, […]

Information Cascades and Personal Reputation

article: The article “The Role of Information Cascades in Driving Public Opinion” by Sofia Roma touches on information cascades and how they can be important to personal reputations. Roma starts off by giving a brief explanation of how an information cascade is an explanation for why people might just follow the majority and how […]

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