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The Online Writer’s Battle Against the Google Search Engine

PageRank, an algorithm introduced by Larry Page, is a system used by Google to rank websites in the search engine results. Google’s PageRank algorithm attempts to judge the relevancy of a page by proposing two questions: “How many links point to a particular web page, and how valuable are those links?” In practice, when comparing […]

Instagram and Sponsored Search

As social media becomes a bigger and bigger part of our lives, advertisers are starting to take advantage of our online engagement. Recently, Instagram has decided to integrate ads into your profile feed. [1] That means that, while scrolling through photos of your friends and family, you are also scrolling through targeted ads between every […]

Information Cascade on Twitter

This paper takes what we learned in class about information cascades to practice. It focuses on a specific social platform Twitter. It specifically tracks 74 million diffusion events on the Twitter follower graph over a two-month period in 2009 to look into the characteristics and relative influence of 1.6 million Twitter users. Two of the […]

A practical example of popular hubs and the size of connected components

Everything seems connected nowadays, even in the most unexpected ways. This news article talks about a situation that happened in Argentina. The original one is in Spanish but I revised the translated version and it is almost 100% faithful. I will give some context first: right now, the 10th season of Big Brother is airing […]

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November 2022
