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Herding Behaviors in the Covid-19 Period

We talked about the topic of herding behavior in the lecture. It is described as people’s tendency to imitate others’ choices and behaviors instead of acting based on their own information. We looked into the experiment in which students select bags following others’ choices instead of choosing the urn based on the color of the […]

Qualitative Reasoning Behind Etsy Item Pricing

Have you ever purchased a gift for a loved one around the Holidays, knowing full well that you only really made that purchase because “YOU” actually wanted it as well? I, for one, can attest to committing this “white-collar” gifting crime as I had purchased an entry-level do-it-yourself resin dice-making set for my wife so […]

Sponsored Search Markets on Instagram

Instagram is the most used platform with the largest and most diverse reach. With carousel posts, instagram reels, and the shop feature on instagram, it explains why advertisements and products are promoted most on the platform.  As stated in the textbook, ads are most effective when a user is tied to it in some intrinsic […]

Tipping Points in Nature: The Daisyworld Model

The concept of a “tipping point,” as well as the graphs used to calculate such points, reminded me strongly of the Daisyworld model.  The model was first proposed by James Lovelock, who wanted to demonstrate that an ecosystem can self-regulate within a certain range of conditions. Daisyworld explores the growth of white and black daisies […]

Information Cascades and its Role in the “Mandela Effect”

The Mandela Effect is a phenomenon in which a large group of people remember detailed events or aspects of things that are incorrect or never existed. This causes people to have supposedly shared memories of objects or events in time, and when revisited it is seen that the details are changed or not the exact […]

Positive Feedback Loop: A Series of Information Cascades in College Ranking and Admissions

I’m sure many Cornell students remember that one week period in mid-September this semester when everyone started celebrating the results from the US News college ranking. Perhaps more specifically, everyone’s attention was drawn to the fact that Cornell University ranked number 17, and Columbia University ranked 18. The Cornell subreddit flooded with memes and posts […]

The Competitiveness of Picking Ad-Slots in Online Web Searches (and is the payoff worth it?)

How often do you make searches on the Internet and groan when the first results on the webpage are irrelevant advertisements? The idea of search advertising in which companies pay search engines certain amounts to make advertisements about their products more visible to online users is a concept that has been increasingly used as the […]

Network of Exchange in Mergers & Acquisitions

Mergers and acquisitions are business transactions where the ownerships of two companies are consolidated into one unit. One of the most famous mergers & acquisitions deals recently is Microsoft’s acquisition of Activation Blizzard at a total value of $68.7 billion. This is one of the largest M&A deals in history. Besides finance calculations and market […]

Imaging overuse: What care cascades may cost you

This article highlights the expense and impact which “care-cascades” have on patients, particularly when they experience back pain. They focus on how imaging for low back pain is a very common overused test. The article articulates how back pain affects numerous individuals around the world and in an effort to help their patients doctors recommend […]

PageRank in March Madness

Each year in march, 64 of the best college basketball teams in America come together and compete in the NCAA Division I Men’s basketball tournament in hopes of claiming the title as the best team in the nation. Teams must make it through 5 rounds without a loss just to obtain the opportunity to play […]

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November 2022
