Housing in Ithaca
I am currently looking for housing for next year, which means I am a part of the bipartite graph between renters and apartments in Ithaca. In theory, there is a perfect matching in this graph, because we can keep expanding our set of apartments by increasing the acceptable distance from the school (since the global […]
LinkedIn and Triadic Closure
LinkedIn is a complex social platform that connects professionals together. With over 850 million profiles (source 1), users actually create their own “network” by connecting with other professionals and expanding their contacts. While on the surface it may seem like a user connects with their immediate friends, associates, or family members, users actually expand their […]
Best strategies of vervet monkeys
The prisoner’s dilemma, a classic scenario for the application of game theory, is an excellent example in examining the best strategies for separate parties. As such, it acts as a model for other interactions and can be used in exploring fields beyond economics, the field of origin for game theory. Specifically, the prisoner’s dilemma and […]
The strength of weak ties in the job market
https://www.wsj.com/articles/how-to-close-the-networking-gap-11647525541 https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/24/business/linkedin-social-experiments.html I decided to explore the role of networks in relation to social capital and navigating the job market. The first article linked is written by Ben Wildavsky for the Wall Street Journal and explores how Mark Granovetter’s “strength of weak ties” presents itself on the job market, and in the search for internship […]
Lyft’s Matchmaking Strategy
Links: https://eng.lyft.com/a-new-real-time-map-matching-algorithm-at-lyft-da593ab7b006 https://eng.lyft.com/matchmaking-in-lyft-line-part-3-d8f9497c0e51 A novel company that resides in the transportation industry that has close pertinence to topics we touched in course is Lyft. Lyft suggests a potential solution to anyone in the United States and Canada who wishes to use transportation by offering an app-based platform to connect riders and drivers so that […]
The Role of Social Networks in Health
At the start of the semester, we discussed how networks mediate the flow of information and access to opportunities in social contexts. The main example brought up in class was job opportunities. Someone from a different friend group than yours may know about other job opportunities than your friend group. Also, someone that is in […]
Combat Strategies in Pirate 101
Pirate 101 is a pirate-themed massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG, for short) that was made by KingsIsle Entertainment in 2012. To me, Pirate 101 has and always will be the better, pirate-themed version of its more famous counterpart, Wizard 101, but it meant so much more to me. Beyond the gear-collecting and boss slaying, […]
Need a job? Look to your distant acquaintances for help
The study I have chosen to look at is a recent publication based on experiments conducted by LinkedIn and a group of researchers from 2015-2019 to better understand the networks theory of the strength of weak ties. The experiments were conducted on 20 million users who did not know that they were part of an […]
Game Theory in Team Sports Tactical Performance
Game theory examines interactive decision-making in which everyone’s choices have an impact on the actions of the other participants. Game theory have many applications, and team sports tactical performance is an example of non-zero-sum game. In this paper, “players” are sport teams(opponents and co-players) and predictability/unpredictability of individual player’s actions. The authors, Josko and Nives […]
Prisoner’s Dilemma in an NFL Game
Prisoner’s dilemma happens all the time in professional sports. Teams compete to win the championship at the end of a season, and the only way to compete for a championship is to get into the playoffs. A good enough record during the regular season gets a team into the playoffs, yet teams need to consider […]
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