California Water Rights: Could Auctions Be A Better Solution?
California produces over 13 % percent of the nation’s agricultural production value, with its top crop and livestock commodities amounting to more than $25 billion in value. Its top agricultural commodities in terms of value include dairy products, greenhouse plants, grapes, almonds, and lettuce. However, California like many other parts of the country is facing […]
Using Game Theory to Curb the Colombian Cocaine Trade
The illicit transportation of cocaine from Colombia to the United States has had adverse impacts on the American public. Specifically, the number of cocaine addicts over the age of 12 reached about one percent of the country’s population. This is primarily due to the increased traffic of cocaine spurred by the increased price of cocaine, […]
Overbidding for Homes: A Contradiction to Ascending Auctions
Home prices have skyrocketed since the onset of the pandemic, with soaring food, consumer, and gas prices. City dwellers were eager to escape to the suburbs, and individuals wanted to find change in the repeating, mundane days of the pandemic. This rise in demand led to a short supply of homes. There became a constricted […]
How Triadic Closure and Power Interact in Social Networks
Sources: In previous lectures, we learned that triadic closures are likely to form due to the potential similarity or increased opportunity to meet between the two nodes (people) sharing a common connection, and those closures can strengthen social networks. Studies have shown that mere frequent encounters can build a sense of familiarity between […]
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