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Game Theory and Human Connections

The concept of a game within the context of networks used to seem beyond me and was not relevant to me in any way, but more relevant to a more generalized entity. However, it has dawned upon me that these types of analytical decisions happen within all of us on a daily basis, not just between competing businesses or bargaining inmates. The purpose of game theory is to try and understand the optimal solution or equilibrium for all players in a certain game. Game theory promises that there actually can be a scientific approach to real world scenarios and helps us understand how people make decisions and reach compromises. Many experiments have been conducted in order to push the boundaries of game theory and apply them to the real world.

Project Odycceus is just one example of this, where they used the elements of game theory to see social media can tell us about certain social conflicts and potentially assist in the pre-recognition of arising social conflicts. The data collected was on language, content, and opinions in social media discussions in order to try and understand the reasoning behind why some people take polarizing views and how populist movements grow. They were able to use data tools to monitor the dynamics of these conflict situations and link them to things like related news articles using the concepts of game theory. Ultimately, they were able to better understand these types of online conflicts with the help of game theory. To me, the most fascinating part of the subject is the ways in which we can use the elements and concepts of game theory and try to apply them to our lives and dynamics in our world in order to better understand them.


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