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Game Theory and Marketing: A Contentious Relationship

Playing the ‘game theory’ as a marketing tool (   Marketing is not a tried and true science. The world of marketing is constantly changing and responding to developments in consumer behavior, taste, and technology. New techniques and strategies are constantly developed and tested to maximize companies’ abilities to connect with and sell to potential […]

Capitalizing on a Nash Equilibrium to Significantly Reduce Energy Consumption in Blockchain

Just a few days ago, Ethereum executed an upgrade to its infrastructure and merged into a more energy-efficient system for validating transactions. For the past several years since its inception in 2013, the Ethereum blockchain ran on a proof-of-work system. Under this verification system, high-powered computers, known as “miners”, were required to run complex math […]

Water Overuse as a Prisoner’s Dilemma

Western Drought Isn’t Going Anywhere. It’s Time to Rethink Water Use. The Western United States is currently experiencing its worst drought in 1200 years. As communities and businesses struggle to cope with nearly constant drought conditions, this article points out that fossil fuels and factory farming are largely to blame. Fossil fuels exacerbate climate change […]

Structural Balance Theory in the Fight Against Antimicrobial Resistance

Antimicrobial resistance is when microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites continue to grow even when exposed to antimicrobial drugs. The factors that cause antimicrobial resistance include misuse and overuse of antibiotics and contaminated water. It is a global threat because 700,000 people die due to available antimicrobial drugs failing to treat their infections. […]

Game Theory, Brinkmanship, and Wireless Carriers

With the release of Apple Inc.’s new iPhone 14 came a new precedent in the world of wireless carriers. No longer will Apple’s new flagship smartphone have a physical SIM card. Instead, the tech giant has opted to include eSIM, an “industry-standard digital SIM supported by carriers around the world.” While eSIM offers many excellent […]

Is the Tragedy of the Commons Inevitable?

Eventually, many of the resources we depend on as a society will run out. The rate at which our environment is deteriorating and common awareness of the unsustainable nature of everyday practices has instilled this fear in many. When approaching how to consume shared but finite resources, individuals are faced with the option of acting […]

Evidence for the weak ties theory using LinkedIn data

On September 15th, 2022, researchers from LinkedIn, Stanford, MIT, and Harvard published a 5 year longitudinal study on how the strength of ties impact job opportunity and mobility, or the likelihood that a user will change to a new job as a result of their network.  This study involved over 20 million users, and some […]

Explaining the Bystander Effect?

The Bystander Effect refers to the phenomena that when there are more people in the crisis, the less willing people are to help. Basically, the effect of the presence of others in the situation changes a person’s willingness to help someone in distress. One would certainly think the opposite. Now, this “effect of the presence […]

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September 2022
