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Game Theory & Matching to Increase Kidney Transplant Waiting List Efficiency

Within the United States, there are currently roughly 100,000 people on the national waiting list for a kidney, with about 8,000 being removed every year due to becoming too sick and thus unable to withstand the transplant procedure. As for the current success of the system, 20,000 transplants take place every year, only a fraction […]

Why we still fall for influencers, salesmen, and politicians who lie

From influencers to salesmen to politicians, our society is full of people who are competing for a consumer’s attention. Although it may seem like social influence is a one-to-one relationship between the influencer and their target, social influence is better understood as a competition. When someone “wins” over a viewer or customer, another competing colleague […]

Brothers: From Enemies to Friends

In the article, a mom describes her experience during a 2-to-3 child transition. Before baby No.3, the two brothers were each other’s worst enemies. They would constantly fight and refuse to share. However, with the introduction of a third baby brother, their previous relationship was forced to change, as they developed a strong, healthy relationship […]

Matching Applicants to Universities

During the 2022 college application year, Cornell University has seen 17,000 more applications in its admissions mailbox than it ever has, as a result of the dropping of standardized test scores. While this might allow for more diversity within the student body,   it leads to a few unintended consequences: fewer applications to smaller universities […]

The Prisoner’s Dilemma: A Global Hostage Situation

The Prisoner’s Dilemma is a concept that is not just being unraveled in our lecture-hall setting, but happening in one of the most controversial global current events. In February, WNBA star Brittney Griner was detained at Moscow’s Sheremetyevo Airport for carrying vape cartridges containing traces of hash oil. Although she explained that she didn’t mean […]

Balance theory and International Relations

Especially in the geopolitical climate of today , how countries interact with each other are vital for growth and stability. As we can all see with the current Russia-Ukraine crises, when relationships between international countries crumble, it effects everyone on the world because we are all connected. Every move in the network of international relations […]

The Game of Voting and Presidential Elections

Game Theory can be directly applied to elections in predicting the best possible way to vote to achieve a desired or semi-desirable outcome. While I have grown up studying political candidates and finding the politician whose interests, values, and policies best align with my own, I have recently learned that voting in an election often […]

Debunking college elitism through the argument of the importance of weak/strong ties

Contrary to popular belief, education and intelligence do not always guarantee you the job. I, just like many others, believed that in order to get the best job and be most successful in the future I had to go to the best of the best schools, hence why I am at Cornell. However, studies have […]

The Strength of Weak Ties of Female Baboons

The concept of weak ties and strong ties in social networks goes beyond human society and applies to other animals as well. As discussed in the article  “The ‘strength of weak ties’ among female baboons: fitness-related benefits of social bonds,” female baboons benefit from their strong and weak ties, which improves their fitness and increases […]

Game Theory for Electricity Market

This paper discusses ways that game theory can be used in China’s electricity market. The employment of game theory in electricity market rises from the increasing demand for electricity and renewable energy. This starting point is thus convincing since there was massive electricity scarce in this summer, although they are due to international trade to […]

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September 2022
