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Why is Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez so Popular?

A junior congresswoman from New York City, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez rose to fame incredibly fast. Just a few years prior, she was tending bar until she was inspired to run for Congress. After a beating ten term incumbent Democrat in the primary, Ocasio-Cortez’s claimed victory in the 2018 general election as well, and she took office at age twenty nine, the youngest woman to enter Congress. Her victory, along with Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, marked a victory for the younger and more progressive generation of Democrats. Ocasio-Cortez’s victory seemed to inspire a generation of young people, particularly young women and girls, who marveled at the chance to have someone who looks and thinks like them in power. However, while Ocasio-Cortez may only be a junior congresswoman in her first term, she has gained an immense following, largely thanks to social media and her ability to leverage and mobilize support using her charismatic personality and wit.  

Currently at 8.7 million, Ocasio-Cortez has more Twitter followers than any member of the House. Up until a few months ago, she had more followers than Democratic presidential nominee, Joe Biden. This is even more impressive considering a little more than two years ago, she was not well known outside her district. It was said that Ocasio-Cortez has more power to influence the national conversation than any other member of the Democratic party expect for former President Obama. While Nancy Pelosi has pointed out that Ocasio-Cortez has less power than her in terms of voting and influence on policy as the Speaker of the House, one should not underestimate the power of Ocasio-Cortez’s followers and fans. While some may argue that “Twitter is not real life,” Twitter can be used as a call to action in the form of donations, protests, voting, calling ones representatives, and countless other ways. Ocasio-Cortez is at the center of a very powerful network with millions of nodes. Aside from all the people who are just citizens in this network, there are also those who hold powerful public office, such as Nancy Pelosi, or other influential people. Ocasio-Cortez can use her position at the center of this network, which grants her considerable power, to influence what is talked about and what goes on in the halls of Congress. In this social exchange, the common person benefits from following Ocasio-Cortez on social media platforms because she is closely connected, or has strong ties, to very powerful people, even if the common person’s tie to Ocasio-Cortez may be only a weak tie. Ocasio-Cortez has excelled at making herself a voice, and a bridge, for the people, and actively engages with her followers on various platforms. Recently, she responded directly to followers’ questions on her Instagram account. 

Overall, Ocasio-Cortez is very effective at leveraging her network for the benefit of both her and her constituents. Ocasio-Cortez represents the future of how politicians will build support and then use that support to accomplish their political and policy goals, and that of who they represent.


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