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The “Golden Balls” Dilemma

“What’s Left When You’re Right?” by Radiolab –

Crazy Gameshow Tactics – Goldenballs ITV UK – 

Game shows have persisted in entertainment for decades – since the 1930s to be exact. As different shows have come and gone, we have witnessed their countless attempts to present the most creative game mechanics to force players to work together, or work against each other. In an episode of Radiolab, a podcast founded by Jad Abumrad, the team follows a theme of “face-offs that shine a light on the human condition, the benefit of coming at something from a different side, and the price of being right.”

What’s Left When You’re Right? begins with a story about the game show Golden Balls. After a series of contests where contestants win and lose money, the final face-off unfolds. Each contestant is presented with two Golden Balls, one with the word “Split,” the other with the word “Steal.” If both contestants choose to split, the money is split 50/50. If one chooses to split and the other chooses to steal, the latter takes all of the money. If both choose to steal, they walk away with nothing. The contestants are allowed to discuss what to do, then must choose a ball and reveal it at the host’s call.

Golden Balls’ final face-off is a classic Prisoner’s Dilemma. Split is a dominated strategy in this game, even though it would leave both contestants better off if they chose it. However, one contestant was clever enough to beat the Golden Balls Dilemma. Nick Corrigan, a man famous for his game show win streak, decided to take a different approach at the final face-off. The typical approach contestants used was to try and convince the other that they would choose to split, then betray them by revealing the “Steal” ball at the final moment. The buildup to this moment was usually filled with long winded monologues with one contestant trying to assure the other that they were trustworthy and would never betray them. On the other hand, Corrigan started off the negotiation stating he would choose “Steal,” and that his co-contestant should choose “Split” with the promise of splitting the money after the show. After a 40+ minute argument between the two contestants,  both Corrigan and his co-contestant chose “Split” at the reveal and walked away with £6,800.

By announcing that he would “Steal” from the beginning, Corrigan successfully convinced his co-contestant that he had no other choices. In this illusion of eliminated choices, Corrigan created a situation where the dominated strategy was played.

The first link is to the podcast episode What’s Left When You’re Right? By Radiolab. The second link is a Youtube clip of the Golden Balls episode discussed in this post.


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