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How to do business on Wechat     Since its launch in 2011, the Chinese social media app Wechat has attracted more than 700 million monthly active users around the globe, mostly in China. What is more noteworthy than its huge user group is that it made a $1.8 billion mobile revenue, according to an […]


The cascade principle can be applied to understand the making history but also of our contemporary world whereby thanks to the way information instantaneously spreads the cascade model is becoming ever more relevant.  If we consider the Arab Springs, the January 2011 Tunisian revolt, led to a wave of revolts in the neighboring states which today is known […]

Landing spot allocation and market incentives

When your airplane takes off and lands, what do you think about? Do you think about the ground below getting larger and larger? The lights of the cities and the airport growing ever brighter as the plane makes its final approach? Or the engines whine as the increasingly thick air speeds past the blurred turbine […]

New York Times Project Cascade

The New York times R&D team created a tool for understanding how information is spread over social media: specifically, New York Times articles on twitter and what is trending. The app has two different modes: story mode and cascade mode. The cascade mode has three viewing options in which the user can choose to look […]

Why People Conform

People are often said to be “sheep,” meaning they follow the decisions of the group over their own ideas. This is analogous to conformity, as people often conform to the norm, or what the majority of other people do or think. The article defines conformity as “yielding to group pressures,” one reason of which is […]

The issue of fake news distribution over social media As evident by presidential election betting markets where Hillary started election day at near 9 to 1 odds, many people were surprised if not mortified by the results of the election. Understandingly over the next few days, people sought something to blame for this seemingly external event, some blaming the electoral college, political […]

Facebook vs Snapchat

Snapchat is a social media platform where users send images and videos (lasting up to 10 seconds) to other users, or share them on ‘my story’, where users’ friends can view them for 24 hours. For past few years, Snapchat has grown exponentially; In 2014, Facebook tried to buy snapchat for 3 billion dollars, which snapchat declined. […]

Information Cascade in Daily Lives

Link: In the article “Information cascades”, the author tells the function of information cascades in both stock markets and political regime changes due to revolutions. Basically, as defined by the author, an information cascades is where people make decisions based on information collected by observing others’ actions. In a rebellion, if there are mere […]

Information Cascades and Financial Bubbles

Information Cascades and Bubbles In the market of the stock exchange, investors rely on each other for signals of a company’s performance reflected in the price and sales of the company’s stock. These signals are not always rooted in the reality of a company’s value, and trading stocks purely based off of signals of the market is called […]

Fake News and Information Cascasdes

Article: Recently, Facebook has gone under fire for its fake news problem and its possible effect on the recent election. Specifically, many have been quick to blame Facebook for not doing a good enough job of filtering fake news which could be taken as fact by many of its users. Although I think this is […]

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November 2016
