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Reverse Network Effects: How Expanding our Social Network Can Hurt Us

All major social media platforms have benefited from network effects – as more users use platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Youtube, Skype and other related sites, the value of those sites increases. However, as these networks continue to expand, we wonder: how large can they go, so as they will still be valuable? One might […]

Information Cascade in Social Media

We have been discussing information cascades in class in the terms of making a decision based on information from previous people. An information cascade by definition is when someone observes the behavior of others and then repeats the same behavior. One example in which we see this happen a lot is in social media movements. […]

Diffusion of Ideas Through a Network Donald Trump has become the President of the United States as a result of a very divisive election cycle. Though running as a republican, he upset a large number of Republican politicians along the way, not only by stating seemingly ridiculous goals for his administration, but also by going so far as to insult […]

Hollywood Economics The above link details the role information cascades play in the movie industry. In general, going out to the movies is very expensive; in addition to the ticket price, people must take two hours out of their busy schedules to see the movie. For this reason, it is disappointing to go to a bad […]

Adblock and the Advertising Industry

Advertisements on the Web are a crucial aspect of what helps keep websites free, in addition to allowing bigger companies to make profit. In recent years however, Adblock has become rising in popularity, allowing users to completely bypass advertisements while still having access to the website’s content. This has had a substantial impact on the Advertising […]

Misinformation Cascade after Paris Attacks

The spread of rumors and misinformation after tragedies is not a new phenomenon. Social media has a history of spreading false accusations after events such as the Sandy Hook massacre and the Boston marathon bombing. This was also the case after the Paris attacks last year. A Photoshopped picture of Veerender Jubbal, a man who […]

Network Cascades and Alzheimers

Link to Article: The article “Creating therapies for Alzheimer’s disease by targeting neural circuits” published by MIT looks a cause for alzheimers and potential new treatment. The  new process is based in the idea of a network cascade through the neural network structures of the brain. While the cascade theory is typically used to […]

The spread of viral videos through networks

There are a number of factors that go into making web content go viral, but it is interesting to look at internet fame in the frame of information cascades and diffusion. One recent example of unexpected content becoming famous is the video “Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen.” For those who haven’t yet seen it, the video is about a […]

Information Cascade and Reviews

We have been discussing information cascades as a way to describe how another person or group’s opinion can influence the way we think and make decisions. This phenomenon is present when discussing the concept of product and business review and their importance on the way that businesses and specific items succeed (or don’t, for that […]

The Danger of Network Effect – William Bai(hb388)

Article Link: In class, we learned how the network effect can influence the decisions members of a social network. In the Economist article “Facebook, and the trouble in being everything to everyone”, the author discussed how the network effects could potentially have negative impacts on the spread of news. Facebook now has nearly 2 billion […]

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November 2016
