The Power Law of Celebrities – The Rich Get Richer, The Famous get more Famous
In class we learned about the power law and how the rich tend to get richer. When you have money it is easier to make money. The same goes for celebrities. When you are famous, it is easer to get even more famous. When you are not however, it is extremely hard to made the cut. It is extremely hard for someone to catch a “break” and make it to the A-list.
Celebrities that are already famous already have people re-tweeting them and liking and sharing their pictures online. This only increases their popularity and grows their online presence. Social media acts as a platform for celebrities to exponentially increase their followings. Kylie Jenner has over 78.7 million followers on Instagram, and that number grows every second.
Movie castings, gigs, and other sponsorships and opportunities are also easier for extremely famous celebrities to gain once already famous. Celebrities are afforded these incredible rare opportunities that they take advantage of. They get sent exclusive designer products to use and wear. Companies offer to give them free makeovers, party invitations, and goods and services. Giving expensive gifts to the already well off does sounds a bit unfair but that’s life. The rich get richer and the famous get even more famous.
For years already popular TV stars have been given their own production companies. They are given opportunities to write and sell books. TV stars start recording songs. Singer-songwriters make it to the movie screen. They move across multi-platforms and garner attention wherever they go. It’s a vicious but reasonable cycle because major publishers need known entities/people who already have a fan base to increase sales. In the end, it’s all a business and that’s how businesses work.