Cascades in the NFL
These days, cascades can be seen all around us, whether it’s a new trend that has picked up ground or just something that existed years ago but has resurfaced. The following article discusses the new contract that was signed between the NFL and Microsoft. The contract was worth $400 million, which is good for five years. The idea behind this contract was for Microsoft to display their gadgets, like the Surface, in front of millions of people whether watching football at home or at the stadium. These tablets were custom built for the NFL and during a game each team has up to 25 tablets. These tablets allow coaches to process things faster and more effectively. Each coach can store all of his plays on the tablet and it’s easy to locate them.
While there has obviously been a cascade in the NFL with the use of tablets on the sidelines, we also see that a lot of players are now using them instead of using traditional binders with plays in them. When these tablets first came out, there was a lot of talk on whether or not tablets would be necessary. Many felt that they were a hybrid between a laptop and a mobile phone, making them not a necessity. But slowly and surely, companies, like Microsoft and Samsung, started to come out with better tablets that can process information just as fast as a computer while still being half the size and weight. A cascade for tablets is definitely apparent in the NFL and even on campus. More and more people are starting to replace their current computers with tablets. It’ll be interesting to see what an effect the cascade in the NFL has on other professional sports.