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Removing Yourself From a Network is Not the Answer

Sometime mid-October, Copyblogger, an educator on content marketing deleted their Facebook page, leaving almost 27,000 fans. While this was a calculated decision, and there were several understandable reasons for this move, linked in the first website below, many people responded by criticizing it as a huge mistake.

For Copyblogger, their page on Facebook was not doing anything for them; they did not find Facebook to be the right social media out. From “fake” fans to wasted effort on the page, Copyblogger has dragged their page out for long enough. They would much rather invest their money and energy into Google+ or Twitter, both of which see much higher and more active fan bases.

Mandy Edwards, founder of a social media marketing company, reacted to this decision by pointing out Copyblogger’s stupidity in their choice, which is linked below in the second website. Her first reason is that, regardless of the size and quality of the audience, the company still had an audience on Facebook. Even if other social media websites work better for the company, they could always simply scale back on Facebook, instead of completely abandoning their fans there. Secondly, Facebook is a great place to brand out to other users, to any of the over 1 billion people on the website. She accuses Copyblogger of doing no advertising, claiming that they would have seen a huge difference, even if they put a little big of time into it. Finally, she explains how posting quality content that is related to the company can really engage an audience and bring attention to the their page as well as increase their page rank on Facebook. Regardless of what Copyblogger could have decided to do, removing themselves from Facebook was an unwise business decision. A company has different audiences in different mediums; why would it completely abandon a weaker one? Looking at this situation from what we discussed in class, we see how Facebook has its internal page rank for pages such as these and for posts that users see. We know that completely removing yourself from a large network will have less payoff than having even just one connection in it. Just being in this network will increase their pagerank and their value. And if Copyblogger started investing more time in branching out and advertising, which they have not fully pursued, they would be able to build many connections, gain more followers, and increase their page rank and popularity on Facebook. Without such a vast and powerful network, the company is limited in how far it can reach.

Why Copyblogger Is Killing Its Facebook Page


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