Supercharge Your Clickthrough Rate
For anyone who is interested in maximizing their click-through rates on Google Adwords, Google offers various extensions which will add substantial information to ads for both desktop and mobile users. These ads include Sitelinks, Call Extensions, Locations, Images, Reviews, and Annotations.
- “Sitelinks” is an extension that lets you put more links underneath the focus of your ad that target specific related items; this targets a larger demographic which results in a higher click-through rate
- Similar to Sitelinks, “Call Extensions” allows you to put your phone number underneath your ad for free. Users used to be able to include a phone number in the title of their ad, but Google adjusted the editorial guidelines just last year. Call Extensions provides a solution
- Just like Call Extensions, “Location” adds your location to the bottom of your ad. This extension is largely targeted at local brick-and-mortar businesses that could use an increase in foot traffic to their business
- “Images” is an extension exclusively for advertisers who are in the top position of the page, and has been shown to be very effective in increasing your click-through rate via three images of your product right above your advertisement
- “Reviews” places specific paraphrases you choose from a review from a third party right underneath your ad
- “Annotations” allows you to put your rating, followers, or the user’s previously visited sites underneath your ad
All of these extensions can make for a pretty sizeable advertisement which helps to create less space for your competitors to put their own ads on the same page. This should presumably help out your click-through rate significantly.
It’s very interesting to see real world application of click-through rates and how they play a key role in advertising. In class, we have solved various market problems involving creating market clearing prices for given sets of buyer, sellers, and click-through rates. Entrepeneur’s article regarding supercharging your click-through rate makes shows where these markets are and that the click-through rate is arguably the crux of online advertising.
I’m personally intrigued by how estimated click-through rates are calculated since there seem to be a lot of confounding variables. For example, the extensions in the article say that they’ll increase your click-through rates if you use them, but I think there’s a limit on how much you want to stick in an advertisement if you want to maximize its appeal to the user. Some of the extensions definitely make sense to use to boost click-through rates, but I’m not sure that employing all of them for an advertisement is going to supercharge your click-through rate.