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Two trials to University of Virginia Rotunda Digital Collections

The Papers of John Marshall
John Marshall was the longest-serving chief justice on the U.S. Supreme Court and arguably the most influential. Under his direction, the judicial branch achieved equality with the other branches of government and constitutionality was established as the crucial element in court decisions. This digital edition of Marshall’s papers includes the complete contents of the print edition and presents them in a fully searchable online environment. For students and scholars of law and history, this is the most powerful and accessible way to study the legacy of the “Great Chief Justice.”


People of the Founding Era: A Prosopographical Approach (BETA VERSION)
PFE is a scholarly reference work that provides biographical information on over 25,000 people born between 1713 (the end of Queen Anne’s War) and 1815 (the end of the Napoleonic War), drawn from the digitized papers of the Founding Fathers and other documentary editions of the Founding Era. It has two components. First, it provides fully searchable biographical statements that vary greatly in scope and extent. Second, it provides identically structured data for each person allowing for group, or prosopographical, study. The editors invite users to contribute information on new people records as well as corrections and new information on people already in the system.

Trials end around December 15, 2015.  Feedback welcome:  vac11 at


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