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New African American History Resources

Eric Kofi Acree, Director of the John Henrik Clarke Africana Library, sends along the following news:

I just wanted to announce the following databases new to Cornell University Library:

1.       HistoryMakers,
This database contains videotaped oral interviews with at least 100 African Americans. For example, included is a 2001 interview with a then State Senator of Illinois, Barak Obama.

2.       Oxford African American Studies Center,
This database contains many key reference resources, i.e. Africana, Encyclopedia of African American History, and Black Women in America. It contains over 10,000 articles by top scholars in the field. The chief editor of this resource is Henry Louis Gates.

3.       African American Biographical Database,
This database provides access to key primary/secondary biographical resources on African Americans.

Eric can be contacted with any questions about these databases or to learn about opportunities to learn how to use them.


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