See Google scholar for the most up-to-date list.

Greischar, M.A., H.K. Alexander, F. Bashey, A.I. Bento, A. Bhattacharya, M. Bushman, L.M. Childs, D.R. Daversa, T. Day, C.L. Faust, M.E. Gallagher, S. Gandon, C.K. Glidden, F.W. Halliday, K.A. Hanley, T. Kamiya, A.F. Read, P. Schwabl, A.R. Sweeny, A.T. Tate, R.N. Thompson, N. Wale, H.J. Wearing, P.J. Yeh & N. Mideo. (2020). Meeting report: Evolutionary consequences of feedbacks between within-host competition & disease control. Evolution, Medicine, & Public Health, 2020(1): 30-34.

Kamiya, T., M.A. Greischar, K. Wadhawan, B. Gilbert, K. P. Paaijmans & N. Mideo. (2020). Temperature-dependent variation in the extrinsic incubation period elevates the risk of vector-borne disease emergence. Epidemics, 30: 100382.


M.A. Greischar, L.M. Beck-Johnson & N. Mideo. (2019). Partitioning the influence of ecology across scales on parasite evolution. Evolution, 73(11): 2175-2188.

M.A. Greischar, S.E. Reece, N.J. Savill & N. Mideo. (2019). The challenge of quantifying synchrony in malaria parasites. Trends in Parasitology, 35(5): 341-355.

E.A. Francis, P.D. Moldowan, M.A. Greischar & N. Rollinson. (2019) Anthropogenic nest sites provide warmer incubation environments than natural nest sites in a population of ovi-parous reptiles near their northern range limit. Oecologia, 190: 511-522.

Schneider, P., M.A. Greischar, P.L.G. Birget, C. Repton, N. Mideo & S.E. Reece. (2018). Adaptive plasticity in gametocyte conversion rate of malaria parasites. PLoS Pathogens, 14(11): e1007371.

Birget, P.L.G., M.A. Greischar, S.E. Reece & N. Mideo. (2018). Altered life-history strategies protect malaria parasites against drugs.. Evolutionary Applications, 11: 442-455.


Kamiya, T., M.A. Greischar & N. Mideo. (2017). Epidemiological consequences of immune sensitization by pre-exposure to vector saliva. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 11: e0005956.

Greischar, M.A., N. Mideo, A. F. Read & O. N. Bjørnstad. (2016). Predicting optimal transmission investment in malaria parasites. Evolution, 70: 1542-58.

Greischar, M.A., N. Mideo, A. F. Read & O. N. Bjørnstad. (2016). Quantifying transmission investment in malaria parasites. PLoS Computational Biology, 12: e1004718.

Greischar, M.A., S.E. Reece & N. Mideo. (2016). The role of models in translating within-host dynamics to parasite evolution. Parasitology, 143: 905-14.

Greischar, M.A., A.F. Read & O.N. Bjørnstad. (2014). Synchrony in malaria infections: How intensifying within-host competition can be adaptive. American Naturalist. 183(2): E36-E48.

2011 and prior

Greischar, M.A. & C.M. Lively. (2011). Parasites can simplify host-population dynamics and reduce extinction risk. Evolutionary Ecology Research, 13: 557-569.

Acharya, S., A.M. Many, A. Schroeder, F. Kennedy, O.P. Savytskyy, J. Grubb, J. Vincent, E. Friedle, M. Celerin, D. Maillet, H.J. Palmerini, M.A. Greischar, G. Moncalian, R.S. Williams, J.A. Tainer & M.E. Zolan. (2008). Coprinus cinereus rad50 mutants reveal an essential structural role for Rad50 in axial element & synaptonemal complex formation, homolog pairing & meiotic recombination. Genetics, 180: 1889-07.

Greischar, M.A. & B. Koskella. (2007). A synthesis of experimental work on parasite local adaptation. Ecology Letters, 10, 418–434.