
Fuller, A.K., B.C. Augustine, E.H. Clifton, A.E. Hajek, A. Blumenthal, J. Beese, A. Hurt, and C.J. Brown-Lima. 2024. Effectiveness of canine-assisted surveillance and human searches for early detection of invasive spotted lanternfly. Ecosphere.

Twining, J.P., B.C. Augustine, J.A. Royle, and A.K. Fuller. 2024. Abundance-mediated species interactions. Ecology.

Twining, J.P. C. Sutherland, A. Zalewski, M.V. Cove, J. Birks, O.R. Weaarn, J. Haysom, A. Wereszcuk, E. Manzo, P. Bartolommei, A. Mortelliti, B. Evans, B.D. Gerber, T.J. McGreevy, L.S. Ganoe, J. Masseloux, A. Mayer, I. Wierzbowska, J. Loch, J. Akins, D. Frummey, W. McShea, R. Kays, S. Manke, L. Pardo, A. Boyce. S. Li, R.B. Ragai, A.J.V. Trujiilo, C. Lopez-Gonzalez, N. Lara-Diaz, O. Cosby, C. Waggershauser, J. Bamber, F. Stewart, J. Fisher, A.K. Fuller, K.A. Perkins, and R.A. Powell. 2024. Using global remote camera data of a “solitary” species complex to evaluate the drivers of group formation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. DOI 10.1073/pnas.2312252121

Twining, J.P., J.L. Brazeal, P.G. Jensen, and A.K. Fuller. 2024. Intraguild interactions and abiotic conditions mediate occupancy of mammalian carnivores: co-occurrence of coyotes-fishers-martens. Oikos.

Twining, J.P., D. Kramer, K.A. Perkins, and A.K. Fuller. 2024. Landscape-scale population trends in the occurrence and abundance of wildlife populations using long term camera-trapping data. Biological Conservation

Twining, J.P., A.K. Fuller, C.C. Sun, C. Calderon-Acevedo, M. Schlesinger, M. Berger, D. Kramer, and J. Frair. 2024. Integrating presence-only and detection/non-detection data to estimate distributions and expected abundance of difficult-to-monitor species on a landscape-scale. Journal of Applied Ecology.

Poudel, S., J.P. Twining, R.C. Stedman, S.K. Ghimire, and A.K. Fuller. 2023. Ecological and anthropogenic drivers of leopard (Panthera pardus fusca) attack occurrence on humans in Nepal. People and Nature

Riley, Shawn. J., and Angela K. Fuller. 2023. “Integrating social and environmental science in decision making for endangered species management.” In The codex of the Endangered Species Act: the next fifty years (Volume II). L. E. Baier, and J. F. Organ, Editors. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield): Chapter 14.

Twining, J.P., V.L. Springer, E.G. Cooch, and A.K. Fuller. 2023. Landscape-scale drivers of tayra abundance in the Ecuadorian Andes. Biodiversity and Conservation

Siemer, W.F., T.B. Lauber, R.C. Stedman, J.E. Hurst, C.C. Sun, A.K. Fuller, N.A. Hollingshead, J.R. Belant, and K.F. Kellner. 2023. Perception and trust influence acceptance for black bears more than bear density or conflicts. Frontiers in Conservation Science.

Poutanen, J., A.K. Fuller, J. Pusenius, J.A. Royle, M. Wikstrom, and J.E. Brommer. 2023. Density-habitat relationships of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in Finland. Ecology and Evolution.

Fuller, A.K., B.C. Augustine, D.J. Morin, K. Pigeon, J. Boulanger, D.C. Lee, F. Bisi, and D.L. Garshelis. 2022. The occupancy-abundance relationship and sampling designs using occupancy to monitor populations of Asian bears. Global Ecology and Conservation.

Morin, D.J., J. Boulanger, R. Bischof, D.C. Lee, D. Ngoprasert, A.K. Fuller, B. McLellan, R. Steinmetz, S. Sharma, D. Garshelis, A. Gopalaswamy, M.A. Nawaz, and U. Karanth. 2022. Comparison of methods for estimating density and population trends for low-density Asian bears. Global Ecology and Conservation.

Zhao, Q., A.K. Fuller, and J.A. Royle. 2022. Spatial dynamic N-mixture models with interspecific interactions. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. http://DOI: 10.1111/2041-210X.13936

Stiller, J.C., W.F. Siemer, K.A. Perkins, and A.K. Fullhttp://DOI: 10.1111/2041-210X.13936er. 2022. Choosing an optimal duck season: integrating hunter values and duck abundance. Wildlife Society Bulletin e1313.

Garshelis, D.L., K. Pigeon, M. Hwang, M. Proctor, W.J. McShea, A.K. Fuller, and D.J. Morin. 2022.The need to step-up monitoring of Asian bears. Global Ecology and Conservation.

Proctor, M.F., D.L. Garshelis, P. Thatte, R. Steinmetz, B. Crudge, B.N. McLellan, W.J. McShea, D. Ngoprasert, M.A. Nawaz, S.T. Wong, S. Sharma, A.K. Fuller, N. Dharaiya, K.E. Pigeon, G. Fredriksson, D. Wang, S. Li, M. Hwang. 2022.
Review of field methods for monitoring Asian bears. Global Ecology and Conservation.

Fuller, A. K., J. C. Stiller, W. F. Siemer, and K. A. Perkins. 2021. Engaging hunters in selecting duck season dates when using decision science: problem framing, objective setting, devising management alternatives. Pages 115–127 in K. Pope, and L. Powell, editors. Harvest of Fish and Wildlife: New Paradigms for Sustainable Management. CRC Press.

Fuller, A.K., and L.M. Lai. 2021. Systematic review of patient decision aids for breast cancer surgery decision: how do patients evaluate tradeoffs among objectives? Annals of Surgical Oncology 28: S370-S371.

Sun, C.C., J. E. Hurst, and A.K. Fuller. 2021. Citizen science data collection for integrated wildlife population analyses. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution.

Robinson, K.F., A.K. Fuller, and M. Jones. 2021. Using Structured Decision Making to Incorporate Ecological and Social Values into Harvest Decisions: Case Studies of White-Tailed Deer and Walleye. in K. Pope, and L. Powell, editors. Harvest of Fish and Wildlife: New Paradigms for Sustainable Management. CRC Press.

Bjorck, J., B.H. Rappazzo, Q. Shi, C. Brown-Lima, J. Dean, A.K. Fuller, and C. Gomes. 2021. Accelerating ecological sciences from above: Spatial constrative learning for remote sensing. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 35: 14711-14720.

Bjorck, J., Q. Shi, C. Brown-Lima, J. Dean, A.K. Fuller, and C. Gomes. 2021. Learning augmented methods for matching: Improving invasive species management and urban mobility. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 35: 14702-14710.

Augustine, B.C., J.A. Royle, D.W. Linden, and A.K. Fuller. 2020. Spatial proximity moderates genotype uncertainty in genetic tagging studies. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 

Fuller, A.K., D.J. Decker, M. Schiavone, and A. Forstchen. 2020. Ratcheting up rigor in wildlife management decision making. Wildlife Society Bulletin.

Fabiano, E.C., C. Sutherland, A.K. Fuller, M. Nghikembua, E. Eizirik, and L. Marker. 2020. Trends in cheetah Acinonyx jubatus density in north-central Namibia. Population Ecology.

Fuller, A.K., and L.M. Lai. 2020. A decision analytic approach for optimal surgical treatment in early-stage breast cancer. 2020 Annual Meeting Official Proceedings, Volume XXI. Annals of Surgical Oncology 27:S484-485.

Gomes, C., T. Dietterich, C. Barrett, J. Conrad, B. Dilkina, S. Ermon, F. Fang, A. Farnsworth, A. Fern, X. Fern, D. Fink, D. Fisher, A. Flecker, D. Freund, A. Fuller, J. Gregoire, J. Hopcroft, S. Kelling, Z. Kolter, W. Powell, N. Sintov, J. Selker, B. Selman, D. Sheldon, D. Shmoys, M. Tambe, W. Wong, C. Wood, X. Wu, Y. Xue, A. Yadav, A. Yakubu, and M. Zeeman. 2019. Computational Sustainability: Computing for a Better World and a Sustainable Future. Communications of the ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) .

Sun, C.C., J.A. Royle, and A.K. Fuller. 2019. Incorporating citizen science data in spatially explicit integrated population models. 2019. Ecology.

Gupta, A., B. Dilkina, D. Morin, A. K. Fuller, J. A. Royle, C. Sutherland, and C.P. Gomes. 2019. Reserve design to optimize functional connectivity and animal density. Conservation Biology.

Robinson, K.F., A.K. Fuller, R.C Stedman, W.F. Siemer, and D.J. Decker. 2019. Integration of social and ecological sciences for natural resource decision making: challenges and opportunities. Environmental Management.

Sutherland, C., A.K. Fuller, J.A. Royle, M.P. Hare, and S. Madden. 2018. Large-scale variation in density of an aquatic ecosystem indicator species. Scientific Reports.

Sun, C., A.K. Fuller, and J.E. Hurst. 2018. Citizen science data enhance spatio-temporal extent and resolution of animal population studies.

Wong, A., A.K. Fuller, and J.A. Royle. 2018, Adaptive sampling for spatial capture-recapture: An efficient sampling scheme for rare or patchily distributed species.

Royle, J.A., A.K. Fuller, and C. Sutherland. 2018. Unifying population and landscape ecology with spatial capture-recapture. Ecography 40: doi: 10.1111/ecog.03170.

Miller, J.R.B., R.T. Pitman, G.K.H. Mann, A.K. Fuller, G.A. Balme. 2018. Lions and leopards coexist without spatial, temporal or demographic effects of interspecific competition. Journal of Animal Ecology.

Decker, D.J., J.F. Organ, A.B. Forstchen, M.V. Schiavone, and A.K. Fuller. 2018. Wildlife management is science based. Myth or reality? The Wildlife Professional  July/August 2018: 30-32.

Crum, N.J., A.K. Fuller, C.S. Sutherland, E.G. Cooch, and J. Hurst. 2017. Estimating Occupancy Probability of Moose in Northern New York Using Hunter Survey Data. Journal of Wildlife Management 81(3):521–534; 2017; DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.21207.

Fabiano, E. L. Boast, A.K. Fuller, and C. Sutherland. 2017. The use of remote camera trapping to study cheetahs. Chapter 29 in L. Marker, L. Boast, A. Schmidt-Kuntzel, eds. The Biology and Conservation of Cheetahs. Academic Press.

Linden, D.W., A.K. Fuller, and J.A. Royle. 2017. Examining the occupancy-density relationship for a low density carnivore. Journal of Applied Ecology. doi:10.1111/1365-2664.12883.

Molina, S., A.K. Fuller, D.J. Morin, and J.A. Royle. 2017. Use of spatial capture-recapture to estimate density of Andean bears in northern Ecuador. Ursus 28:117-126.

Morin, D.J., A.K. Fuller, J.A. Royle, and C. Sutherland. 2017. Model-based estimators of density and connectivity to inform conservation of spatially-structured populations. Ecosphere 8(1):e01623. 10.1002/ecs2.1623.

Robinson, K.F., A.K. Fuller, M.V. Schiavone, B. Swift, D.R. Diefenbach, W.F. Siemer, and D.J. Decker. 2017. Addressing wild turkey (Meleagris gallapavo) population declines using structured decision making.  Journal of Wildlife Management. DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.21220.

Robinson, K. F., and A. K. Fuller. 2017. Participatory modeling and structured decision making.  Pages 83-101 in S. Gray, M. Paolisso, S. Gray, and R. Jordan (eds) Environmental Modeling with Stakeholders: Theory, Methods, and Applications. Springer.

Sun, C.C., A.K. Fuller, M.P. Hare, and J. Hurst.  2017. Evaluating population expansion of a black bear population using noninvasive, genetic spatial capture-recapture. Journal of Wildlife Management 81: 814–823. doi:10.1002/jwmg.21248.

Xue, Y, X. Wu, D. Morin, B. Dilkina, A. Fuller, J. Royle and C. Gomes. 2017. Dynamic Optimization of Landscape Connectivity Embedding Spatial-Capture-Recapture Information. Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence.

Dayer, A. A., R. C. Stedman, S. B. Allred, K. V. Rosenberg, and A. K. Fuller.  2016.  Understanding landowner intentions to create early successional forest habitat in the northeastern United States.  Wildlife Society Bulletin.

Eaton, M.J., A.K. Fuller, F.A. Johnson, M.P. Hare, and R.C. Stedman. 2016.  Application of Decision Science to Resilience Management in Jamaica Bay.  Chapter 9 in W. Solecki, J. R. Waldman, and E. W. Sanderson, editors. Prospects for Resilience.  Island Press.

Fuller, A.K., D.W. Linden, and J.A. Royle.  2016. Management decision making for fisher populations informed by occupancy modeling.  Journal of Wildlife Management. DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.21077.

Fuller, A.K., C. Sutherland, J. A. Royle, and M. P. Hare. 2016. Estimating population density and space usage of American mink using spatial capture-recapture.  Ecological Applications 26:1125-1135.

Nadeau, C.P. and A.K. Fuller.  2016. Combining landscape variables and species traits can improve the utility of climate change vulnerability assessments. Biological Conservation 202:30-38.

Robinson, K.F., A.K. Fuller, J.E. Hurst, B.L. Swift, A. Kirsch, J. Farquhar, D.J. Decker, and W.F. Siemer. 2016. Structured decision making as a framework for large-scale wildlife harvest management decisions. Ecosphere 7(12):e01613. 10.1002/ecs2.1613.

Royle, J.A., A.K. Fuller, and C. Sutherland. 2016.  Spatial capture-recapture models allowing markovian transience or dispersal.  Population Ecology 58:53-62.

Sethi S.A., D. Linden, J. Wenburg, C. Lewis, P. Lemons, A. Fuller, and M. Hare. 2016. Accurate recapture identification for genetic mark-recapture studies with error-tolerant likelihood-based match calling and sample clustering. Royal Society Open Science. DOI: 10.1098/rsos.160457.

Nadeau, C. P., A. K. Fuller, and D. L. Rosenblatt.  2015. Climate-smart management of biodiversity.  Ecosphere

Nadeau, C.P., and A. K. Fuller.  2015. Accounting for multiple climate components when estimating climate change exposure and velocity.  Methods in Ecology and Evolution. DOI: 10.1111/2041-210X.12360.

Royle, J.A., C. Sutherland, A.K. Fuller, and C.C. Sun.  2015. Likelihood analysis of spatial capture-recapture models for stratified or class structured populations.  Ecosphere

Sutherland, C., A. K. Fuller, and J.A. Royle.  2015. Modeling non-Euclidean movement and landscape connectivity in highly structured ecological networks.  Methods in Ecology and Evolution. DOI: 10.1111/2041-210X.12316.

Fuller, A.K.  2014.  Decision making in natural resource management: A structured adaptive approach. Michael J. Conroy and James T. Peterson, 2013. Wiley‐Blackwell, Oxford, UK. 456 pp. $99.95 paperback. ISBN: 978‐0‐470‐67174‐0. The Journal of Wildlife Management 78:175-176.

Robinson, K.F., D. R. Diefenbach, A.K. Fuller, J.E. Hurst, and C.S. Rosenberry. 2014.  Can managers compensate for coyote predation of white-tailed deer? Journal of Wildlife Management 78:571-579.

Royle, J.A., R.B. Chandler, C.C. Sun, and A.K. Fuller.  2014.  Reply to Efford on ‘Integrating resource selection information with spatial capture-recapture’.  Methods in Ecology and Evolution 5:603-605.

Sun, C.S., A. K. Fuller, and J. A. Royle. 2014.  Trap configuration and spacing influences parameter estimates in spatial capture-recapture models.  PloS One. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0088025.

Fuller, A.K., and D. J. Harrison.  2013.  Modeling the influence of forest structure on microsite habitat use by snowshoe hares.  International Journal of Forestry Research. doi:10.1155/2013/89232.

Fuller, A. K., S. S. Spohr, D. J. Harrison, and F. A. Servello.  2013. Nest survival of wild turkeys in a mixed-use landscape: influences at nest-site and patch scales.  Wildlife Biology 19:138-146.

Royle, J.A., R. B. Chandler, C. C. Sun, and A. K. Fuller.  2013.  Integrating resource selection information with spatial capture-recapture.  Methods in Ecology and Evolution 4:520-530.

Fuller, A. K., and D. J. Harrison.   2010.  Foraging paths reveal scale-dependent habitat decisions by Canada lynx.  Journal of Mammalogy 91: 1269-1279.

Hearn, B. J., D. J. Harrison, A. K. Fuller, C. Lundrigan, and W. J. Curran.  2010.  Paradigm shifts in habitat ecology of threatened Newfoundland martens.  Journal of Wildlife Management 74:719-728.

Fuller, A. K., D. J. Harrison, and J. H. Vashon.  2007.  Winter habitat selection by Canada lynx in Maine: prey abundance or accessibility?  Journal of Wildlife Management 71:1980-1986.

Fuller, A. K., and D. J. Harrison.  2005.  Influence of partial timber harvesting on American marten in Maine.  Journal of Wildlife Management 69:710-722.

Campbell, S. C., A. K. Fuller, and D. Patrick.  2005.  A review of doctoral education: looking beyond research.  Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 3:153-160.

Fuller, A. K., D. J. Harrison, and H. J. Lachowski.  2004.  Stand-scale effects of partial harvesting and clearcutting on small mammals and forest structure.  Forest Ecology and Management 191:373-386.

Fuller, A. K.  2004.  Canada lynx predation on white-tailed deer.  Northeastern Naturalist 11:395-399.

Harrison, D. J., A. K. Fuller, and G. Proulx.  2004.  Martens and Fishers (Martes) in Human Altered Environments: An International Perspective.  Springer, New York. (Peer-reviewed book)