New issue of Veraison to Harvest available online

2017 Veraison to Harvest #1

  • Around New York  (Martinson, Trimber,  Weigle, Wise, Meyers )
  • CLEREL Lake Erie Concord Berry Curve (Bates)
  • The What, How, and Why of Sample Analysis (Gerling)
  • Fruit Composition Report 9/5/2017 (Team) – First full set of samples
  • Please Participate in Our Online NEWA Survey (Olmstead)
  • Photos of NY98.0228.02 seedless concord-type table grape (Reisch & Martinson)

Veraison to Harvest is a weekly electronic newsletter put out by viticulture and enology extension personnel from Lake Erie, Long Island, the Hudson Valley and the Finger Lakes. Each issue provides accurate and up-to-date regional data while giving a statewide perspective as well. V to H begins in early September and concludes in late October.

View back issues.

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