Thanks to a total makeover, the Cornell Fruit website ( makes it even easier for commercial fruit growers to find the information they need.
“We’ve totally reorganized and updated the site – adding new content, plus making it a more useful portal to information that will help you stay profitable while protecting the environment,” says Juliet Carroll, Fruit IPM Coordinator for the New York State IPM Program. Carroll led a team of Cornell faculty, Extension educators and others who revamped the site.
Three sections – tree fruit, grapes and berries – help you quickly zero in on what you’re looking for. Each fruit section covers production, pest management and post-harvest topics.
“We’ve also made key resources – those you use most often – very easy to find,” notes Carroll. These include Cornell’s pest management guidelines, organic production guides, food safety information, farm labor resources and more. Find resources on marketing, business management, labor and worker safety, enology and value-added opportunities for all crops through dedicated web pages.
A new blog-driven news and events section helps you stay up to date. Find newsletters available from local and regional Cornell Cooperative Extension fruit programs on one page and subscribe to the ones that fit your needs.
“We also worked with the New York State Horticultural Society to extract more than 200 articles from the New York Fruit Quarterly journal dating back to 2000. And we link to those individual articles from appropriate sections of the website,” notes Carroll. The site makeover was made possible, in part, by a Smith-Lever grant and Cornell Cooperative Extension.
“Whether you are a new or experienced grower, if you are looking for a ‘one-stop shop’ for information, this site is the place to start,” she adds.
More information:
- Craig Cramer, Communications Specialist, Dept. of Horticulture:, 607-255-5428
- Juliet Carroll, Fruit IPM Coordinator, NY State IPM Program:, 315-787-2430