The 2012 Empire State Fruit and Vegetable Expo will include two educational sessions in Spanish on Thursday, January 26 at the Oncenter in Syracuse. These sessions are focused on “Work Smarter Not Harder.” DEC credits will be available. “We encourage you to send your Spanish-speaking employees to let them learn more about the science of agriculture, and network with their peers,” says Mario Miranda Sazo, Lake Ontario Fruit Program.
Topics include:
- Entendiendo la Poda de Arboles Frutales (Understanding pruning of fruit trees)
- Buenas Prácticas Agrícolas (Good Agricultural Practices)
- ¿Cómo el Ambiente en el Invernadero Afecta las Enfermedades de Vegetales? (How greenhouse environment affects vegetable diseases?)
- Costos de Producción en Arboles Frutales ¿Qué Hemos Aprendido? (Fruit production costs – What have we learned?)
- Póda de Arboles de Manzanos en Vertical Axe y Tall Spindle (Pruning of vertical axe and tall spindle apple trees)
- Entendiendo el Ciclo de Vida de Un Arbol Frutal (Understanding the life cycle of a fruit tree)