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Cornell University

Food Physics: Instructional Modules

Course material for the community


Welcome to Food Physics in the Digital Age!

Food Physics Big Picture

    Our goal for the entire series of modules is to significantly enhance the physics-based training (in contrast with training in chemistry and microbiology) in food product and process development. Learning more about the physics of quality/safety evolution during a food process should result in speedier and more effective optimization while reducing trial and error in product/process design.
  1. Explain a food physics framework in terms of its basic building blocks that can describe many food processes
  2. Compare and contrast between simpler and more comprehensive physics frameworks for understanding food processes
  3. Apply a food physics framework to complex food processes for their understanding and optimization
  4. Implement the framework-based computational model in software and perform simulations
  5. Create a computational model to speed up the design cycle of food products and processes
  • Each module is independent, self-paced, and consists of text, videos, and assessments. 
  • Time estimate. Whenever appropriate, we have provided a time estimate [MMM:SS] for watching the videos to help you plan. You can reduce the time by speeding up the videos as I speak like sloths move. There are additional questions requiring you to spend more time.
  • We have used these modules in a flipped learning format where we spent our weekly in-person meetings active (as opposed to watching a lecture), going deeper. In order for this learning mode to work, the learner must do the required readings before coming to class. 
  • In this inaugural offering of the course, the modules are under construction. I am sure you will find errors and we sincerely apologize in advance for them. Please let me know right away at if you run into problems or the errors you find.
  • You can find more information about the modules on the Using the Modules page.

Currently, this course does not provide any certification. We are working on developing one.


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