8/4/10 Update
8/4/10 – In addition to asbestos abatement in the basement and on floor 2 (see update 7/30/10) some other specific activities planned for the week of August 2 are:
- Building a trench for power along the exterior of the south side of the building in order to feed the new fire pump from the emergency generator.
- Excavation on the west end of the building for a new sprinkler connection.
- Saw cutting the slab in the sub basement – this is connected to the installation of a fire pump in the sub basement.
- Painting in the basement – sprinkler pipes.
- Test of the new alarm system in the basement morning of August 4.
- Core boring in the morning on the south side of the building near the western end on the morning of August 4. Most affected area will be B38, i.e. Bindery.
- Frame stud wall and board corridor on 2nd floor.
- Begin on Friday, August 6, to reoccupy Phase 2A spaces beginning with Maps and Media. Phase 2A reoccupation will be over two days, i.e. Friday, August 6 and Monday, August 9.