
Identification of pathogens in respiratory samples of shelter cats in New York State; preprint in Res. Square.


Our new “white paper”/review in response to the outbreak of FCoV-23 in Cyprus


 Our new clinical study in Companion Animal 29 “Persistent feline coronavirus infection in a cat with cardiac and gastrointestinal signs” is out.

Watch this space for more molecular follow up, especially concerning novel transmission routes for FCoV


FIP: A Tale of Two Viruses

While the two disparate outcomes of feline coronavirus (mild enteric disease versus fatal systemic disease) are well known, this blog post delves deeper,  chronicling the differences between serotype I and serotype II feline coronaviruses.


An unusual case of FIP associated rhinitis

Read our debut “Case of the Month” Blog from November 2019:  The initial prognosis was excellent, but within two months the patient had succumbed to her illness.  What looked like a simple case of feline herpes virus was actually an insidious presentation of FIP.