2024 Summer Gathering for 5-H and Epsilon Sigma Phi

When:        Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Where:          Dryden Town Park, Dryden, NY

Time:         12:00 (Noon)- til


  • Everyone is asked to bring a dish to pass
  • We will provide beverages and paper goods
  • Bring your own creative Name Tag and/or wear a Favorite t-Shirt that tells a good story.
  • We have use of the large pavilion for the whole day and you are welcome to stay and visit as long as you like
  • There is plenty of space for parking near the pavilion, no entrance fee, and just a $45 fee for use of the pavilion which we will ask you to help us cover.  The amount per person is calculated once we see how many are planning on attending.

RSVP: By July 10


Access to the park is gained by traveling south of Dryden on Routs 38.  Turn left on Chappell Road, then turn left on West Lake Road.

Between the lines | Book Read Announced for Fall – Nature-Study Idea and Related Writings

In a recent poll looking for ideas related to a group read of Nature-Study Idea and Related Writings, edited by John Linstrom, staff shared:

    • A love for reading and learning
    • An interest in nature
    • A desire to learn more about educational concepts – exploring how nature-based learning can be applied in programs like master gardener and stem education
    • An interest in book clubs and discussions
    • A concern that there is never enough time to read and discuss but an interest in trying to make it happen
    • A desire to learn more about including experiential learning so that relevant experiential learning is included in today’s education
    • A genuine interest in Liberty Hyde Bailey (the first dean of agriculture at Cornell) and the writer of the Nature Study Idea.

ESP Lambda Chapter will help to sponsor a book read of the book Nature-Study Idea and Related Writings once a month Oct, November and December – on Thursday’s at 11am (10/10, 11/14, and 12/5).  Sign up here!

Meetings will include – a short presentation from the book’s editor John Linstrom and dialogue/discussion among participants.


  1. to better understand what the nature-study movement was and what it stood for, and
  2. to develop an understanding of how to use Bailey’s book in the work of 4-H and youth education today.

You can download the book for free  https://www.cornellpress.cornell.edu/book/9781501773952/the-nature-study-idea/ (download the PDF rather than the EPUB so that we will all have the same page numbers) or order the book with a 30% discount code, 09BCARDhere. If on campus, copies of the book are available at the Cornell Book Store.

Plans for topics and Dates:

  • 10/10 11am: Pages xi-59:
    • Foreword by David W. Orr
    • Introduction by John Linstrom
    • “Bringing Education to Life and Life to Education” by Dilafruz R. Williams
    • “‘It Is Spirit’: The Genesis of The Nature-Study Idea” by John Linstrom
  • 11/14 11am: Pages 60-195:
    • Note on the Text by John Linstrom
    • The Nature-Study Idea by Liberty Hyde Bailey
  • 12/05 11am:Pages 197-293:
    • Major Sections Restored from the First Edition
    • Reviews of The Nature-Study Idea
    • Related Writings by Liberty Hyde Bailey

Questions can be directed to Celeste Carmichael.

Extension Book Club (Fall 2024) | Nature-Study Idea and Related Writings is brought to you by Epsilon Sigma Phi, Lambda Chapter and the CCE Admin Organizational Development Unit.

CCE Saratoga County is seeking hosts for Master Food Preserver workshops

The trend toward local foods and concern over where our food comes from, especially since the pandemic, has led to a resurgence of interest in home food preservation. Cornell Cooperative Extension has a long history of being a trusted and reliable source of information and education on this topic, and we strive to keep it that way. The goal of the Master Food Preserver workshop is to train CCE staff and volunteers so they have the knowledge and confidence to teach home food preservation to others.

The CCE Master Food Preserver program is taught by educators Diane Whitten, CCE Saratoga County and Karen Mort, CCE Albany County. The three-day Master Food Preserver workshop covers all the methods of home food preservation including: the scientific basis of food preservation, boiling water and pressure canning procedures, pickling procedures including fermentation and quick pickling, making gelled products, freezing and dehydration principles, plus other related preservation information.

Hosts are responsible for the cost of educational materials (copies of handbook, food, canning jars, etc.), hotel for the instructors, lunch for participants and a fee of $2500 paid to CCE Saratoga County. The host sets the price for attendance.

Maximum participants is 21. Participants may be staff, potential/current volunteers, or members of the public, they can be from one or more counties – the host can decide the purpose and the audience.   If you are interested in hosting a Master Food Preserver training in your county, contact Diane Whitten for more information at dwhitten@cornell.edu.

The following weeks are available for these three day workshops. Dates should be selected at least two months prior to the workshop to allow your association ample marketing time.

2024 Master Food Preserver Program Dates

April 30 – May 2                               CCE Cattaraugus County

May 14-16                                           OPEN

May 29-31                                           OPEN

June 11-13                                           CCE Seneca County (tentative)

More information about the Master Food Preserver Program can be found here: https://ccesaratoga.org/nutrition-food/master-food-preserver


“Hybrid Harmony: Enhancing Meetings Through Seamless Online and In-Person Collaboration” – December 14 – 1pm

with Charlie Pane – Outreach and Engagement Manager, CCE Ulster County + ESP Lambda Chapter member

Register: https://staff.cce.cornell.edu/professional-development-opportunities 

We are often hosting meetings for an in person and online team – but just how do we make those meetings run well?  The convergence of virtual and physical spaces is essential for fostering meaningful connections and maximizing productivity.  In this webinar Charlie Pane will share his experiences for mastering the art of seamless hybrid collaboration. The webinar will cover three key pillars:

  • Program Design Mastery: Strategies for crafting engaging agendas that cater to both virtual and physical attendees – balancing content delivery, interactive elements, and inclusive participation to ensure everyone feels connected and valued.
  • Production Setup and Technology Logistics: How do you use the technology at hand to do the job or what would help if you have a budget?      From audiovisual setups to camera placements and hybrid-friendly software, what are some secrets to a flawless technical execution?
  • Optimizing Hybrid Meeting Dynamics: Uncover techniques to facilitate smooth communication and interaction between online and in-person participants. We will also talk about tips for managing group dynamics, fostering engagement, and addressing challenges unique to hybrid setups.

Join us as we consider ways to redefine how we implement hybrid meetings…and stay if you are able for the Epsilon Sigma Phi Lambda Chapter Annual Meeting.  More peer-to-peer topics on the ESP-Lambda chapter page: https://blogs.cornell.edu/esp-lambda/

Save the Date! National Conf for 2024 will be hosted in the Northeast (driveable!)

Colleagues –

Save the date –  ESP will host the national conference for 2024 in Virginia Beach.  Mark your calendar for Oct 27-31.  We are hoping to have a group attend.  There is ESP Lambda Chapter funding for members if interested.

Time to consider…what should we present?  Are there options for traveling down together?  Etc.

ESP Lambda Chapter – Leading, Learning + Connecting

Dear ESP Colleagues –

Consider yourself invited!  The ESP Lambda Chapter officers met today and discussed how to grow our membership, leadership team, and engagement.  Lo and behold – it occurred to us that all should be invited to our regular meetings as well as to professional development offerings (yup…sometimes the obvious is overlooked).  We want you  to connect and feel welcome.   The intent is to cover our business (which discussion can include all) and then be open for chat.

We meet the fourth Friday of every 1 month(s) from 8:30 AM to 9:00ish AM

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://cornell.zoom.us/j/682672132

ESP Officers Mtg password: yates417

ESP – Lambda Chapter – Monthly Officer’s Meeting

Zoom Connection:: https://cornell.zoom.us/j/682672132

Standing Agenda

  •  Welcome and agenda review/additions
  • Minutes of last meeting & correspondence – Renee Mooneyhan
  • Treasurer’s Report – Beth Claypoole
  • Membership Report – Celeste Carmichael
  • Historian/ Life Members Report – Ave Bauder
  • Professional Development Report – Dan Welch
  • Professional Recognition Committee – Mary Ellen Wiley
  • Communications Update – Celeste Carmichael

Questions?  Feel free to reach out to any of the folks on the list above.  Hope to see you soon!!

Coming to Ag Inservice? ESP offering connections!

Hope to see colleagues at Ag Inservice next week.  We have a couple of opportunities to network, connect, and talk to others about our professional development organization:

Wednesday, November 16 Networking at the Big Red Barn – 4:30 – 6pm – upstairs look for Arlene and Celeste (and others!!)

Thursday, November 17 Poster Session – 5 – 6:30pm  G10 Biotech

A few reminders that we will be featuring:

  • Catch someone doing something right Nominate your peers for recognition – lots of categories!   Those nominated will be contacted by our Awards and Recognition Chair.  https://blogs.cornell.edu/esp-lambda/awards-recognition/ 
  • Encourage others to Join us! ESP is a way to connect with others… ESP Lambda Chapter is Cornell Cooperative Extension’s chapter.  All Extension staff and campus-based staff are welcome to join.  The benefits include working alongside colleagues from different roles and functional areas, opportunities for professional development, and scholarship support.  https://portal.espnational.org/New-York-ESP-Chapter/
  • Subscribe to our ESP Lambda Chapter Blog:  The subscribe button is on the right hand side of the page…this will ensure that you never miss news again 🙂
  • Mark your calendar:  September 24-28, 2023 | Billings, MT  Interested?  Have Qs?  Contact Bonnie Collins – bsc33@cornell.edu

Effective Meeting Practices + Tips – followed by ESP Annual Meeting | sponsored by ESP Lambda Chapter

How many meetings have you attended and/or coordinated and hosted?  How many times have you wished you knew a little more about the general parliamentary procedure?  It can be overwhelming.  This session will provide you with tools to determine if a meeting would benefit from the parliamentary procedure as well as basic knowledge and some easy-to-follow resources you can rely on.  You don’t have to know it all, to help assure smoother and more productive meetings.

Join us on December 8 at 11 am as our colleague and CCE Rensselaer County Executive Director, Bernie Wiesen, shares guidance and resources about parliamentary procedure.

Extension professionals spend a significant amount of their professional time planning, hosting and/or attending meetings.  Meetings are a necessity but the magnification of meeting fatigue brought on by the pandemic,  getting an engaged and robust turn out to meetings has never been a larger challenge.   If you can improve the experience someone has at a meeting, you will increase the chance that they will return to future meetings with a positive and productive demeanor.

There are many elements to a meeting that make it successful and parliamentary procedure is just one element that may help assure meeting goers have a good experience.  By definition, parliamentary procedure is a set of guidelines that are generally accepted as it relates to ethics, rules and expectations governing meetings of an organization or group.  Ideally, parliamentary procedure lays the foundation for objectiveness that results in orderly discussion and questions that will result in the will of the majority of the group.  If used properly, parliamentary procedure can help assure fair discussion, management of time, and opportunity for all to engage, and instill a sense of purpose and belonging for those present.  And it can be fun!

Learning Objectives

  1. Learn how to assess the needs of a variety of extension meeting types and fit for parliamentary procedure
  2. Become familiar with resources providing background and information for parliamentary procedure
  3. Receive a quick sheet with references and information for quick “look up”
  4. Become familiar with the context of parliamentary procedure
  5. Become familiar with how to best use parliamentary procedure to enhance the other strengths of the meeting

The first 10 participants to log on that day will receive a gift from ESP. This workshop is a part of a series of offerings being organized by Epsilon Sigma Phi (ESP) – Lambda Chapter, ESP is a national extension professional development organization that anyone who works for Extension can join.

Register here.

Newsflash: Congratulations to Melissa Schroeder- Senior Issue leader, Cornell Cooperative Extension Schuyler

Shout out and congratulations to @Melissa Schroeder- Senior Issue leader, Cornell Cooperative Extension Schuyler County and NYS 4-H! Mel was part of the ESP National Award [Diversity Multicultural Team] from the Northeast Region for their work on the LGBTQ+ Virtual Symposium.
The Diversity-Team Award acknowledges outstanding efforts and accomplishments in developing, achieving, and sustaining Extension programs and/or audiences in our diverse and multicultural society. At least 50% of the team must be ESP members in good standing. Epsilon Sigma Phi is the Extension Professional’s organization whose mission is to foster standards of excellence in the Extension System and to develop the Extension profession and professional.
ESP Northeast Region Team members included: Dr. Jeff Howard and Dr. Alex Chan [Maryland Extension], Dr. Teresa McCoy [Ohio Extension], Kristen Landau [New Hampshire 4-H /Extension], Alisha Targonski [4-H/Maine Extension], Liz Kenton [Vermont 4-H/Extension] and Matt Scarfo [West Virginia Extension].  Proud of your work Mel + so happy that you are a part of CCE!

In Quest of the Spirit of Cornell Cooperative Extension

A colleague from another Land Grant Institution recently asked about some founding literature within Extension.  I remembered that I had written about this a long time ago :), and surprised myself by finding the documentation.  You may find this blog post interesting – whether you are new to Extension or, like me, you have been around this work a long time and still love what we do.  Enjoy!


During the Spring of 2012, I participated in a Directed Readings program with Dr. Scott Peters, Associate Professor of Educational Studies at Cornell.  I did this because in the role of Cornell Cooperative Extension (CCE) Program Development and Accountability Specialist I have an opportunity to help shape the way CCE Associations and staff handle program development, reporting, and communications.  And although I’ve worked for CCE for twenty years – in varying capacities – and have participated in a variety of professional development efforts, I am a biologist and engineer by training and have not had any formal instruction in the field of education.  Given those things and the fact that a number of senior CCE Administration staff will soon be retiring, I was feeling the need to enhance my own understanding of the history of non-formal education – the educational theories that shaped our system and the social pressures and tensions that inspired the formation of the cooperative extension system.  I wanted to understand the language to describe the educational theory.

My interest was in answering the questions: What were the social and educational influences that inspired the (Cornell) Cooperative Extension system?  My hope was that understanding the formative educational philosophies and the history might help me to be able to better articulate not just the historical dates and facts of extension history, but the significance of the extension system.  My initial question was – “What is the spirit of our organization – in the beginning, now?  And is it being reflected in the principles and practices being carried out?”  I was particularly taken with the idea that the initiation of the Extension Movement – following the Transcendentalism movement, Chautaquas, and Farmer Institutes  (happening during the middle 19th century) – was not about disseminating information but was about bringing common people to a place where they had hope, training folks to see and consider varied options and make decisions for themselves and their communities.   I have grown over the years to consider Extension to be a fantastic enrichment for families and communities.


Some of this foundation can be found in the readings – including:

For Bailey, the improved farmer was the “awakened” farmer. “Every farmer should be awakened,” he proclaimed in a USDA bulletin on farmers’ reading courses published in 1899. “Being awakened” combined sympathy with nature, a love of country life, and a scientific attitude, expressed by a habit of careful observation and experimentation. Bailey theorized that newly awakened farmers would build a “new day” in the countryside that was not predominantly about the establishment of a more productive and profitable agriculture. Rather, it was about creating a “self-sustaining” agriculture, brought into being by an intelligent class of self-dependent farmer-experimenters who would gain the greater part of their happiness from their interactions with nature rather than the size of their bank accounts.

“Every Farmer Should Be Awakened” Liberty Hyde Bailey’s Vision of Agricultural Extension Work – Scott Peters


The ideas expressed from the very beginning of the Extension movement include ideas of awakening, “improving the farmer, not the farm”, enriching everyday lives through observation and science, and the use of research…represent the spirit of our organization in a way that it isn’t often spoken about today.  Looking at the CCE success stories, however; these ideas and principles are very much alive still. On the topic of Organizational Practice – Ruby Greene Smith’s history of Cornell Cooperative Extension provided great insights into the work, personalities, and politics that happened to shape our organization.  M.C Burritt’s The County Agent and the Farm Bureau might have been the first practical guide to program development that was used in Cooperative Extension – in New York State and nationally.

Both books include descriptions of Extension work including a campus-county connection.  The description in Ruby Greene Smith’s book characterizes the need for the partnership between campus and county to go both ways:

“There is a vigorous reciprocity in the Extension Service because it is with the people as well as “of the people, by the people and for the people.”  It not only carries knowledge from the State Colleges to the people, but it also works in reverse: it carries from the people to their State Colleges practical knowledge whose workability has been tested on farms, in industry, in homes, and in communities.  In ideal extension work, science and art meet life and practice….Thus the Extension Service develops not only better agriculture, industries,  homes, and communities, but better colleges.

From:  Ruby Green Smith (1949), The People’s Colleges, A History of the NYS Extension Service in Cornell University and the State, 1876-1948

For a more complete look at resources/suggested Documents: https://cceconferences.wufoo.com/reports/documenting-the-spirit-of-cce/