Awards + Recognition

Award nominations are due by Feb 1


Nominate your peers for recognition!

Those nominated will be contacted by our Awards and Recognition Chair.   Non-members may receive state recognition.  Lambda chapter members, if recognized, may be sent on to national ESP for review.  Nominate using this form:

Awards available (links lead to National criteria):

Distinguished Service (Chapter, National) – Designed to pay the highest chapter tribute to an experienced Extension professional who has consistently exhibited leadership and excellence in Extension program planning, delivery, evaluation, and/or administration over a career of more than 20 years.

Continued Excellence (Chapter, National) – Designed to recognize an experienced Extension professional with more than twenty years of experience who has exhibited continued leadership, initiative, and excellence in Extension program planning, delivery, evaluation, or administration, on a state, regional or national level five years after receiving the chapter Distinguished Service recognition.

Early-Career Service (Chapter, National) – Designed to pay the tribute to a new Extension professional who has exhibited the potential for leadership and excellence in Extension program planning, delivery, evaluation, and/or administration during the first 10 years of their career.

Administrative Leadership (Chapter, National) – Recognizes an Extension Professional who has shown noteworthy administrative enthusiasm, performance, and accomplishment during their Extension careers (10 years or more).  Administrative leadership may be at county, regional, chapter, program, department, or national level.

Distinguished Team   (Chapter, National)  – Designed to recognize outstanding efforts of Extension staff teams (two or more individuals) for responding to and incorporating into a specific educational program one or more critical issues. Critical issues may be defined by local, regional, state or national need.

Diversity Individual (Chapter, National) – Acknowledges outstanding efforts and accomplishments in developing, achieving and sustaining Extension programs and/or audiences in our diverse and multicultural society.

Diversity Team (Chapter, National) – Acknowledges outstanding efforts and accomplishments in developing, achieving and sustaining Extension programs and/or audiences in our diverse and multicultural society.