Save the Date! National Conf for 2024 will be hosted in the Northeast (driveable!)

Colleagues –

Save the date –  ESP will host the national conference for 2024 in Virginia Beach.  Mark your calendar for Oct 27-31.  We are hoping to have a group attend.  There is ESP Lambda Chapter funding for members if interested.

Time to consider…what should we present?  Are there options for traveling down together?  Etc.

Good Practices for Hybrid Meetings + Annual Meeting | sponsored by ESP Lambda Chapter

We have all been to meetings where Hybrid formats don’t work, we may have even been the organizer for some. Join us to hear from experts and practitioners about how-to (and how not to) welcome staff in person and virtually.

ESP Lambda Chapter’s annual meeting will follow the presentation and questions.  All are welcome to attend!

Registration link:

Crafting Effective Learning Experiences with the Help of Instructional Design Models

Just like anyone else, I can get easily distracted, behind, rushed, and overwhelmed while trying to plan for a new program.  Learning that this feeling is not “just me” and that others that I look up to struggle and look for methods of to overcome the “too busy to plan” feeling has upped my game over the years.  Reflecting on the steps in an Instructional Design Models is one way that I do this.

A new cohort of the Program Development Leadership Cohort (PDLC) that was kicked off this week – we start the work by reflecting on what has worked for each of us in designing programs, and considering effectiveness strategies that others have put into place that we have witnessed as successful.  And then we look at how similar all of our ideas really are – and how similar the many versions of instructional design models are.  Essentially – when we take time to assess needs, develop clear objectives, design a program for the primary audience, create an implementation plan for effectiveness, and then evaluate against our objectives – we are more likely to provide an effective learning experience.  Sounds simple…but it does take practice – which is just what we do in PDLC.

I find reflecting on a program development model helps me to ensure that I’ve considered thoughts and ideas of others and research, and keeps me focused on the task at hand while mindful and curious about what could be.  While I embrace the iterative process (in a model like Dick and Carey), I tend to lean into the ADDIE model as  a simple way to think of the parts and pieces.  Documenting steps and keeping notes in a place that I can find them is really key for me.  At the moment OneNote is my go to…thought this does change depending on my collaborators and projects.

So…if you are thinking – “how can I make sure that my programs/projects move forward, address needs, and are welcoming to your audience – I might suggest using a PD Model to nudge your action steps and keep you moving forward.  Want to know more about program development models?  Check out the resources – including a short tutorial at: 

Celeste Carmichael is a Program Development Specialist for CCE Administration.


ESP Lambda Chapter – Leading, Learning + Connecting

Dear ESP Colleagues –

Consider yourself invited!  The ESP Lambda Chapter officers met today and discussed how to grow our membership, leadership team, and engagement.  Lo and behold – it occurred to us that all should be invited to our regular meetings as well as to professional development offerings (yup…sometimes the obvious is overlooked).  We want you  to connect and feel welcome.   The intent is to cover our business (which discussion can include all) and then be open for chat.

We meet the fourth Friday of every 1 month(s) from 8:30 AM to 9:00ish AM

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:

ESP Officers Mtg password: yates417

ESP – Lambda Chapter – Monthly Officer’s Meeting

Zoom Connection::

Standing Agenda

  •  Welcome and agenda review/additions
  • Minutes of last meeting & correspondence – Renee Mooneyhan
  • Treasurer’s Report – Beth Claypoole
  • Membership Report – Celeste Carmichael
  • Historian/ Life Members Report – Ave Bauder
  • Professional Development Report – Dan Welch
  • Professional Recognition Committee – Mary Ellen Wiley
  • Communications Update – Celeste Carmichael

Questions?  Feel free to reach out to any of the folks on the list above.  Hope to see you soon!!

ESP Professional Development Webinars Announced

Epsilon Sigma Phi (ESP) – Lambda Chapter has announced a series of professional development offerings for 20223  Hope that you will consider registering, participating, and bringing along a colleague or two.

ESP is a national extension professional development organization that anyone who works for Extension can join.  This series is open to all (membership not required + no fee for attendance).

March 9 – 1pm Conversations + Collegial Connections | sponsored by ESP Lambda Chapter.  Did you know that collegial connections can aid in staff retention (yours, mine, and ours)?! Join us for a conversation about staff retention and an introduction to Extension professional development organizations that can help our staff (and help us) to feel connected to others.

June 8 – 1pm.  What Educators Need to Know about Open Meetings Laws | sponsored by ESP Lambda Chapter.   What is “Open Meetings Law” and how does it impact Extension work? What should you pay attention and what procedures are we required to follow (and when)? Join us for some basics, and to grow your foundation of knowledge to help your work.

September 14 – 1pm Conversations + Collegial Connections – Part 2 | sponsored by ESP Lambda Chapter  Similar presentation as March 9  Did you know that collegial connections can aid in staff retention (yours, mine, and ours)?! Join us for a conversation about staff retention and an introduction to Extension professional development organizations that can help our staff (and help us) to feel connected to others.

December 14 – 1pm Good Practices for Hybrid Meetings + Annual Meeting | sponsored by ESP Lambda Chapter  We have all been to meetings where Hybrid formats don’t work, we may have even been the organizer for some. Join us to hear from experts and practitioners about how-to and how not to welcome staff in person and virtually.

Coming to Ag Inservice? ESP offering connections!

Hope to see colleagues at Ag Inservice next week.  We have a couple of opportunities to network, connect, and talk to others about our professional development organization:

Wednesday, November 16 Networking at the Big Red Barn – 4:30 – 6pm – upstairs look for Arlene and Celeste (and others!!)

Thursday, November 17 Poster Session – 5 – 6:30pm  G10 Biotech

A few reminders that we will be featuring:

  • Catch someone doing something right Nominate your peers for recognition – lots of categories!   Those nominated will be contacted by our Awards and Recognition Chair. 
  • Encourage others to Join us! ESP is a way to connect with others… ESP Lambda Chapter is Cornell Cooperative Extension’s chapter.  All Extension staff and campus-based staff are welcome to join.  The benefits include working alongside colleagues from different roles and functional areas, opportunities for professional development, and scholarship support.
  • Subscribe to our ESP Lambda Chapter Blog:  The subscribe button is on the right hand side of the page…this will ensure that you never miss news again 🙂
  • Mark your calendar:  September 24-28, 2023 | Billings, MT  Interested?  Have Qs?  Contact Bonnie Collins –

Effective Meeting Practices + Tips – followed by ESP Annual Meeting | sponsored by ESP Lambda Chapter

How many meetings have you attended and/or coordinated and hosted?  How many times have you wished you knew a little more about the general parliamentary procedure?  It can be overwhelming.  This session will provide you with tools to determine if a meeting would benefit from the parliamentary procedure as well as basic knowledge and some easy-to-follow resources you can rely on.  You don’t have to know it all, to help assure smoother and more productive meetings.

Join us on December 8 at 11 am as our colleague and CCE Rensselaer County Executive Director, Bernie Wiesen, shares guidance and resources about parliamentary procedure.

Extension professionals spend a significant amount of their professional time planning, hosting and/or attending meetings.  Meetings are a necessity but the magnification of meeting fatigue brought on by the pandemic,  getting an engaged and robust turn out to meetings has never been a larger challenge.   If you can improve the experience someone has at a meeting, you will increase the chance that they will return to future meetings with a positive and productive demeanor.

There are many elements to a meeting that make it successful and parliamentary procedure is just one element that may help assure meeting goers have a good experience.  By definition, parliamentary procedure is a set of guidelines that are generally accepted as it relates to ethics, rules and expectations governing meetings of an organization or group.  Ideally, parliamentary procedure lays the foundation for objectiveness that results in orderly discussion and questions that will result in the will of the majority of the group.  If used properly, parliamentary procedure can help assure fair discussion, management of time, and opportunity for all to engage, and instill a sense of purpose and belonging for those present.  And it can be fun!

Learning Objectives

  1. Learn how to assess the needs of a variety of extension meeting types and fit for parliamentary procedure
  2. Become familiar with resources providing background and information for parliamentary procedure
  3. Receive a quick sheet with references and information for quick “look up”
  4. Become familiar with the context of parliamentary procedure
  5. Become familiar with how to best use parliamentary procedure to enhance the other strengths of the meeting

The first 10 participants to log on that day will receive a gift from ESP. This workshop is a part of a series of offerings being organized by Epsilon Sigma Phi (ESP) – Lambda Chapter, ESP is a national extension professional development organization that anyone who works for Extension can join.

Register here.

Newsflash: Congratulations to Melissa Schroeder- Senior Issue leader, Cornell Cooperative Extension Schuyler

Shout out and congratulations to @Melissa Schroeder- Senior Issue leader, Cornell Cooperative Extension Schuyler County and NYS 4-H! Mel was part of the ESP National Award [Diversity Multicultural Team] from the Northeast Region for their work on the LGBTQ+ Virtual Symposium.
The Diversity-Team Award acknowledges outstanding efforts and accomplishments in developing, achieving, and sustaining Extension programs and/or audiences in our diverse and multicultural society. At least 50% of the team must be ESP members in good standing. Epsilon Sigma Phi is the Extension Professional’s organization whose mission is to foster standards of excellence in the Extension System and to develop the Extension profession and professional.
ESP Northeast Region Team members included: Dr. Jeff Howard and Dr. Alex Chan [Maryland Extension], Dr. Teresa McCoy [Ohio Extension], Kristen Landau [New Hampshire 4-H /Extension], Alisha Targonski [4-H/Maine Extension], Liz Kenton [Vermont 4-H/Extension] and Matt Scarfo [West Virginia Extension].  Proud of your work Mel + so happy that you are a part of CCE!

Networking Session for ESP Members and Friends

You are invited!  And…bring a friend!

ESP will host a Networking Session during Ag Inservice | November 16 from 4:30 – 6 at the Big Red Barn – head upstairs and look for our table, sign, and chapter president Arlene Wilson.  Come stop by —  say hello, enjoy snacks, or pitch your Extension professional development idea to ESP Lambda Chapter officers.

See FB post and calendar item: