ESP to co-sponsor book-read around boosting attendance and participation
You may have seen in Program Staff News, that Kelly Campbell and Tess Southern are co-leading a collective book read and discussions around the book The Art of Gathering, by Priya Parker . The topic is of interest to many right now, and ESP Lambda Chapter is co-sponsoring this initiative as we want to encourage participation.
A little more info:
Shared purpose and inclusive approaches within meetings and teams can be challenging. This six-week series of biweekly gatherings will help you connect with colleagues looking to create engaging meetings, read and reflect on strategies, and create a plan to transform your own meeting.
If you’re interested and ready to fully engage in the Art of Gathering, register by March 1st and we’ll share how to prepare for our first gathering. For more information or questions about the experience, contact Kelly Campbell or Tess Southern
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