Turn “Ugh. Another Meeting…” into a Place that Others Want to Convene

Ugh. Another Meeting…

As a former teacher my entrance to cooperative extension came with lots of learning and very often beginning before I was ready. Great for learning but very uncomfortable and full of failures. As a teacher, I was a part of many meetings, but leading was less frequent. Of course, leading students and working with teams, but those didn’t feel like meetings to me. But why? Maybe because the word meeting has grown a less than stellar reputation. Or because working with elementary students always includes an element of creativity and fun to keep them engaged. Meetings were often a chance to connect with our teams after the students left for the day.  A chance to vent, share joys, and plan for the week ahead.

Meetings are at the core of our work in extension. I remember some of my first meetings after I was asked to join the leadership team. I often left singing the lyrics to a country song in my head. “a little less talk and a lot more action.” All we did was talk and often didn’t come back to it until months later when we said, “Didn’t we say we were going to…” And then when I was leading a weekly meeting with a group that was burnt out and disconnected, I knew I wanted to create something different. I, of course, did a little research on how to run a meeting. And found a meeting template. Some folks loved it, some found it too intense, and it didn’t always fit our needs. Here I was thinking there must be a right way to run a meeting and I went straight to logistics because by nature I love creating order, structure, and routine- perhaps the teacher in me. But that doesn’t always create meaningful and engaging experiences. So, there must be a way to balance the two.

An example of starting before I was ready… I took a risk to bring a large yet completely disconnected team together. My hope was to help these teams, working in silos, to build connection and see how they were connected to the same mission and vision while valuing and respecting each teams uniqe contribution. To much for one meeting? Maybe. And my learning, for some, I provided way to much informaition leading up which bolged folks down in the building connection. Connection before content is better strategy. I had some work to do after that to ease some tensions.

We’re “cooperative” extension. When tensions arise and common purpose and values get fuzzy, this phrase often comes up for me. And when it makes sense, I find ways to drop it as a gracious reminder for myself and others. Cooperative- involving mutual assistance in working toward a common goal. If only it always felt that way! As an organization with a long, rich history and a framework that supports us in evolving and adapting our programs to meet the needs of communities- finding shared purpose and inclusive approaches are key to our success but getting there can be a challenge. Especially when values and purpose are breezed over to “respect people’s time.” But if we’re not clear on why we’re meeting and everyone is coming with a different purpose and the facilitator is keeping the meeting short, are we really respecting people’s time?

I promise you, I’m not an expert but I have learned a few things. Sometimes there doesn’t need to be a task. Adults still want to have fun. Connection comes before content. And always purpose before logistics. I’ll forever be learning and creating my masterpiece when it comes to meetings. And as author Priya Parker might describe it, the gathering is more like an art.

And the teacher in my also loves a good book club! If you are interested in exploring new ways to create engaging and meaningful experiences that have folks looking forward to gathering, you’re invited to gather with us! Grab a copy of The Art of Gathering: How We Meet and Why It Matters by Priya Parker as we, connect with colleagues, read, and reflect on new strategies, while supporting each other in planning or recreating more meaningful and inclusive spaces together.

Before you join, we ask that you come ready to fully engage in the process- including the reading, and the virtual gatherings and determine a specific focus area (meeting, group, team, committee etc.) for working through the reflective process. An opportunity to learn and reflect with others and apply directly to your work as we go. Our virtual gatherings will be held bi-weekly from 1pm to 2pm, beginning March 14.

(3/14, 3/28, 4/11, 4/25, 5/9, 5/23).

Consider registering by March 1st to give yourself time to grab a copy of the book, read the first two chapters and get the details on how to prepare for our first gathering on March 14. But if your able to make that happen before we gather, were happy to accept your application after March 1st.  Registration: https://cornell.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0ivH1cCXIxN9gZE 

Let’s create some art together! And please reach out with any questions (kmc86@cornell.edu).

All the best,

Kelly Campbell

ESP Lambda Chapter is co-sponsoring/encouraging others to join this conversation as we hear that “getting people to show up and be engaged in advisory committees, boards, and leadership is a need.  Kelly Campbell will be our keynote speaker for our annual meeting in December – sharing lessons learned through the book reading series.  Join us if you can, share with others!  All are invited.

CCE Saratoga County is seeking hosts for Master Food Preserver workshops

The trend toward local foods and concern over where our food comes from, especially since the pandemic, has led to a resurgence of interest in home food preservation. Cornell Cooperative Extension has a long history of being a trusted and reliable source of information and education on this topic, and we strive to keep it that way. The goal of the Master Food Preserver workshop is to train CCE staff and volunteers so they have the knowledge and confidence to teach home food preservation to others.

The CCE Master Food Preserver program is taught by educators Diane Whitten, CCE Saratoga County and Karen Mort, CCE Albany County. The three-day Master Food Preserver workshop covers all the methods of home food preservation including: the scientific basis of food preservation, boiling water and pressure canning procedures, pickling procedures including fermentation and quick pickling, making gelled products, freezing and dehydration principles, plus other related preservation information.

Hosts are responsible for the cost of educational materials (copies of handbook, food, canning jars, etc.), hotel for the instructors, lunch for participants and a fee of $2500 paid to CCE Saratoga County. The host sets the price for attendance.

Maximum participants is 21. Participants may be staff, potential/current volunteers, or members of the public, they can be from one or more counties – the host can decide the purpose and the audience.   If you are interested in hosting a Master Food Preserver training in your county, contact Diane Whitten for more information at dwhitten@cornell.edu.

The following weeks are available for these three day workshops. Dates should be selected at least two months prior to the workshop to allow your association ample marketing time.

2024 Master Food Preserver Program Dates

April 30 – May 2                               CCE Cattaraugus County

May 14-16                                           OPEN

May 29-31                                           OPEN

June 11-13                                           CCE Seneca County (tentative)

More information about the Master Food Preserver Program can be found here: https://ccesaratoga.org/nutrition-food/master-food-preserver


The Art of Gathering- Strategies for Boosting Attendance and Participation

ESP to co-sponsor book-read around boosting attendance and participation

You may have seen in Program Staff News, that Kelly Campbell and Tess Southern are co-leading a collective book read and discussions around the book The Art of Gathering, by Priya Parker https://www.priyaparker.com/book-art-of-gathering .  The topic is of interest to many right now, and ESP Lambda Chapter is co-sponsoring this initiative as we want to encourage participation.

A little more info:
Shared purpose and inclusive approaches within meetings and teams can be challenging. This six-week series of biweekly gatherings will help you connect with colleagues looking to create engaging meetings, read and reflect on strategies, and create a plan to transform your own meeting.

If you’re interested and ready to fully engage in the Art of Gathering, register by March 1st and we’ll share how to prepare for our first gathering. For more information or questions about the experience, contact Kelly Campbell kmc86@cornell.edu or Tess Southern tas264@cornell.edu.

ESP Lambda Chapter Announces Annual Meeting Date for 2024

Save the Date – December 12 – 1pm – 3pm Zoom

“Why announce annual meeting dates now? ” you might ask.  1. because we want you to come! and 2. because the topic  is one sure to be of interest.

“How to Energize Your Committee: Strategies for Boosting Attendance and Participation” is the professional development tied to ESP Lambda Chapter Annual Meeting this year.  The topic will connect with a book read – “The Art of Gathering” by Priya Parker being hosted by Kelly Campbell, CCE Volunteer Engagement Specialist.  

Getting volunteer committee members to want to come to meetings and to be actively engaged seems to be the topic of the year.  Is it post pandemic blahs?  Kelly Campbell  will share her insights and the insights and a recap of the book’s suggestions. Following the presentation and conversation, Epsilon Sigma Phi, Lambda Chapter will have it’s annual meeting. All are welcome to all or part of this event.
And yes, registration is up – sign up now and mark your calendar – https://cornell.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMlduqprjMjHtFo8B8ENxLeXV0xw4PilRvd 

Professional Development Offering – Generative AI and Extension Work | sponsored by ESP Lambda Chapter

March 7, 2024 — 11am — Zoom
All are welcome!

Generative AI is all the buzz. What is it, and how can it be appropriate for Extension Work? Join Epsilon Sigma Phi, Lambda Chapter for professional development on this relevant topic. Learn about generative AI techniques like brainstorming with you, helping build drafts of lesson plans, and revising text for plain language. Ethical considerations are also addressed, ensuring that participants understand the responsible use of AI in extension work. We will leave time for peer-to-peer sharing as well (so bring your experiences to share).

Register: https://cornell.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMlce2vqzsjG9C-GRZGUF5X3aJnx7dJBgOE