ESP Lambda Chapter Board met On 7/8. The following are highlights.
Summer Picnic
- 5-H and ESP Summer Picnic
- Wednesday, July 27 at 12:00 p.m., Myers Park, Lansing, Pavilion G
- $5/person
- Parking $7/car for non-residents
- Everyone brings dish to pass; T-shirt/button or something to talk about
- Try to take photos to put on ESP age and as part of annual report; 5-H and E
- RSVP to Celeste by 7/22
Professional Development – upcoming
- September: 9/15 Project management platforms – focus on Trello (Bonnie Collins)
- December: 12/8 Annual Meeting – professional development around running a good meeting (including Roberts Rules of Order)
- Board meeting kit for 1st ten people; how to make Robert’s Rules work and fun! (Inflatable gavel?)
- Posts, reflections, book reviews, kudos wanted for our professional development blog:
- send an e-mail to Celeste with content.
Next Meeting: Friday, August 26th @ 8:30 a.m.
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