ESP – Chapter News – January

Happy New Year (I think I can say that for 3 more days :))!

The Board met on 1/28.

Officers for 2022:
President: Arlene Wilson
Secretary: Renee Mooneyhan
Treasurer: Beth Claypoole
Historian: Ave Bauder
Communications: Cel Carmichael
Professional Development: Kim Fleming
Professional Recognition: Maryellen
Membership: Bonnie Collins

Workplan for 2022:

  1. Quarterly webinars/opportunities.  Ideas:
    • Writing reports for grants
    • Robert’s Rules of Order (year-end; annual meeting)
    • Technology platforms – Trello
    • Program advisory committees and needs assessments
  1. Started a protocol where we are recruiting nominations for NYS chapter to be recognized similar to the national awards (i.e. early career, midcareer, distinguished services, diversity, teams,etc.)  Want to push for recognition of diversity teams and late-career

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