ESP Lambda Chapter News in brief – June, 2021

  • New book review added to blog.  Written by Bonnie Collins, CCE Oneida +  Professional Development Chair.
  • ESP 2021 National Conference attendees (Savannah, GA) Looks like we will be represented well!  Alicia, Mary Ellen, Bonnie, Beth, Celeste, Renee, Arlene, and possibly Sara Jablonski will be attending.  Early bird registration is up and ends on August 31Bonnie is willing to be the voting delegate.  Multiple stipends available for participants –  awardees only get one stipend (highest value).
  • Professional Recognition Committee Alicia ordering frames and certificates and will craft the certificates to get out by the end of July .  Bonnie, Arlene and Celeste have each been honored as National award winners.  Alicia will do a write up of award winners; Renee can get on Belonging page on staff site, Extension Insider, and in Belonging newsletter; Celeste to put on blog. 
  • Upcoming picnic with ESP + 5-H’ers – Aug 10 at Myers Park in Lansing.
  • Friend of Extension plaque was made and delivered to Dean Boor; took a few pictures and put it on the ESP facebook page .  
  • Cate Sirek will be retiring at the end of October of this year!
  • Next Officer’s Meeting:  Friday, July 23rd at 8:30 a.m. 

ESP + 5-H’er Picnic Scheduled for Aug 10, 2021

Hopefully you are all doingMyers Park, Lansing well and your lives are beginning to return to a somewhat more normal existence.  It’s been great to gradually get out to see friends and family that we haven’t seen in person in over a year and getting all of us ESP members and 5-H’ers together this summer is on my mind.  We have reserved our usual pavilion at Myers Landing Park in Lansing for Tuesday, August 10 at noon.  I’ll send more details as we get closer to the date, but for now, save the date!  Looking forward to a good day with good friends.  (Written by Tom Dumas, Lead 5-H’er and friend to ESP)


Seth Godin bookAs an extension educator with quality needed programing, I was confronted with low program participation.  I question, is it the program topic or the marketing of the program?

Seth Godin is an author, entrepreneur, and a teacher. Through his renowned writing and speaking, Seth has launched one of the most popular blogs in the world.

What I respected most about this book, is it challenged me to think differently about my educational program design. Seth made me realize that my job is to create meetings and programs that encourage and support meaningful participation for every participant.

However, getting the participants in is he first step .

By: Bonnie Collins.  Bonnie is Ag Program Leader for CCE Madison County and  the  the Professional Development Chair for the ESP Lambda Chapter.