Help for Lambda Chapter History Project Needed

This January Chapter Historian Ave Bauder will embark on compiling the story of the Lamda Chapter of ESP. Although we have located a miscellaneous box containing various materials, nothing beats information from people who have been involved in ESP over the years. Were you a chapter officer once? Around for the 1st meeting or the early years? Presented at a National Conference? Have some incriminating pictures? If so, Ave wants to talk with you! We are especially hoping that some of our Lifetime members can help us reconstruct the history of the Chapter. If you have any information or stories that you think will be helpful, please contact Ave at or 315-651-0050.

From our ESP Lambda Chapter President (October 2020) – Arlene Wilson

This year has been full of challenges, as we were swept up in the middle of a worldwide pandemic. Cornell Cooperative Extension has encouraged us providing ways to live our mission of cooperation and partnership with government, farmers, growers, volunteers and the community. We have worked even harder, dug deep into the well of creativity, stretched more to demonstrate our flexibility, transitioned to online platforms [sometimes kicking and screaming] and working remotely, wearing face coverings, and carrying hand sanitizer everywhere. We have been appreciated, thanked, praised, and received support from a variety of sectors.

To whom much is given, much is expected.

The role of Epsilon Sigma Phi, is one of fostering excellence in the Extension professional through professional development and leadership opportunities. We do this through online workshops, seminars and our flagship in person Annual ESP Conference. Three years of planning, promotion, logo designs, trips and tours were overruled by COVID-19.

To whom much is given, much is expected.

So, we pivoted and decided to host the first ESP Virtual Conference! We retooled plans, repurposed logos and rallied the Extension troops across New York State and on the Cornell campus to make the concept a reality. There are not words enough to thank everyone for all the creativity, tenacity, problem-solving, and hard work, resulting in a highly successful, record-breaking ESP national conference! Stay tuned for more innovation and projects from ESP!


Arlene Wilson, ESP Lambda President

Membership Update (October 2020)

Membership Update:

ESP-Lambda keeps on growing, with our current membership standing at 59 members — 37 annual members and 22 life members. Joining us in 2020 are: Robert Batt, Liz Berkeley, Mary Breyette, Susan Coyle, Jarmila Haseler, Lori Koenick, Jessica Kouzan, Andrea Lista, Garet Livermore, Susanne Magee, MaryBeth Mitcham, Lydia Reidy, Jessica Reid, and Nicole Slevin. Welcome to all!

Stay up to date on ESP happenings and communicate with your peers across the state on the ESP-Lambda Chapter Blog: You’ll find information about the ESP-Lambda book club and professional development opportunities, as well as find a forum to discuss topics of interest with your fellow Extension professionals.